Compiled and Edited by Clara Garbon-Radnoti
Hungary, an ally of Germany, cooperated with the German authorities and was eventually occupied by the Nazis on March 19, 1944. With the acquisition of new territories and entire Jewish populations, anti-Jewish legislation intensified with the end result being ghettoization, deportation, expropriation, and death. The materials in this collection document the legal and illegal means by which the Hungarian, German, and local authorities accomplished their goals.
This guide shows how Jews were identified, excluded from Hungarian society, work and schools, how curfews were imposed and how Jewish property and possessions were seized and how homes were assigned to Aryans. Magnificent art collections were inventoried, looted and sent to Hungarian museums where they are still held to this very day. Jewish bank accounts with numbers, were nationalized and “repossessed.” The vast majority of the Jewish citizens were eventually deported to “other locations,” where they were systematically murdered. The few lucky ones who were selected for slave labor in the Hungarian labor battalions or in concentration camps endured inhumane conditions. They either died from Nazi mistreatment or managed to live long enough until liberation.
The Index we are describing is a finding aid to 184 reels of microfilm that were donated to The Zekelman Holocaust Center by Prof. Randolph Braham in 1992 when the Center was located in West Bloomfield, Michigan. The reels, mostly in Hungarian, were created from archival materials in the National Archive of Hungary and official local repositories. Copies of the reels are found in several locations in Europe and the United States. In the United States, copies of these reels are found in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, in Washington, D.C., YIVO in New York City and, here, in The Zekelman Holocaust Center, Farmington Hills, Michigan. The reels had remained an untapped resource for many years until Clara Garbon-Radnoti, a dedicated volunteer, agreed to work on this worthy project.
Clara Garbon-Radnoti, a local Holocaust survivor from Hungary, volunteered to create a finding aid that would make the documentation contained in this massive collection a usable reference. She has the language expertise, historical knowledge and personal experience to present the materials in a professional, succinct manner. In addition to their irrefutable historical importance, the reels contain an incredible amount of genealogical records. There are tens of thousands of names of victims, often with personal data. Clara Garbon-Radnoti has spent 10 years creating this reference guide with purpose, passion and determination to document this very tragic chapter in European and Jewish history.
The Zekelman Holocaust Center is an educational center, whose mission is to teach the lessons of the Holocaust. Our connection to the people who were directly involved in these horrific crimes becomes further removed as time goes on. However, we must not let this information fade away. It is our duty to publicize these mind-boggling records of Hungarian Jews, for those who survived and for those who did not; for the historical record and for historical truth. We dare not do less, or we fail in our stated mission.
The Index was compiled and edited by Clara Garbon-Radnoti, herself a Hungarian survivor, fluent in Hungarian, Romanian, and German. The Index is divided into columns of reel number, date, issuing body, document title, location, brief description, and lastly a column noting whether names of individuals are listed. In cases where there are detailed listings of names, the "yes" is bolded. There are numerous instances where entire communities are listed in full, with addresses, and occupations. In instances where proof of citizenship was required, family histories are provided. The entire Index is keyword searchable.
Without this Index, these documents would have remained an area of research not readily available to the public. The easy access allows what was once inaccessible, to become a glaring witness to the fate of Hungarian Jewry. Its genealogical importance cannot be underestimated.
The Zekelman Holocaust Center is indebted to Clara Garbon-Radnoti for undertaking and completing this exceptional reference tool.
With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Supported by the German Federal Ministry of Finance

The Zekelman Holocaust Center is presenting the following documentation to be used for historical research, Holocaust education, and/or genealogical research. The information contained here in is for the user's reference. The user is personally responsible for any use of the materials in oral discussions, disseminations in all formats, digital or otherwise, publications, citations, or quotations.
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Loss of all human rights
Ordering physicians from forced labor camps to serve in hospitals
Police Reports
Police Reports
Ownership of pharmacies to be taken away from Jews and given to non-Jews
Physicians ordered to forced labor camps
Physicians and pharmacists ordered to forced labor camps
Replacement of Jewish medical and pharmaceutical personnel
Physicians and pharmacists to be sent to forced labor camps
Proposals regarding Jewish medical personnel; Disappearance of physicians to 'unknown' locations
Ordering Jewish Physicians into hospitals and communities as forced laborers
Ordering Jewish Physicians into hospitals and institutions as forced laborers
Evacuation of Jews from the Northern territories and confining them into designated areas
List of Jews hospitalized
Police reports and arrests of Jews
Arrest of Jews for working in their own trade and for anti-government activities, deemed leftists and enemy sympathizers
Distribution of properties left by the deported Jewish population
List of persons perished in battles against the Soviet Union between January to June
Reports on investigations of Jewish offenders
List of houses proposed to serve as Jewish houses
Statements of eye-witnesses of beatings, robberies and killing by shooting Jews into the Danube.
Autopsy reports and medical opinions about the cause of death
Various petitions connected with the designated 'Jewish Houses'
Various petitions connected with the designated 'Jewish Houses'
Various petitions connected with the designated 'Jewish Houses'
Association of Hungarian Jewish students of colleges and institutions for higher education
Top secret notifications of all administrative branches' staff
Rules and regulations for proof of right to be exempt from the laws applicable to Jews
Investigation of the 'True Torah and Yeshiva Aid' Society
Dissolving and banning all Jewish Societies, confiscating all their assets
Problems created by the moving of Jews to designated residences
New laws and ordinances to ban right of ownership by Jews in commerce or any other trade
Decision for denying compensation to Jews for work
Ordinance for handling and distribution of goods confiscated from Jewish stores
Ordinance forbidding any aid to Jews
Decision to restrict Jews from visiting movie theaters
Modernizing and improving fall out shelters against bomb attacks
Minutes and miscellaneous lists of meetings, members of various Jewish organizations and aid societies
Ordinance to distribute Jewish assets left in their home or confiscated
Resolution of solving the problem of the confiscated Jewish assets
Factories owned by Jews
Copies of newspaper
Criminal accusations of military personnel for helping Jews
Minutes of testifying witnesses; proposal of District Attorney
Minutes of testifying witnesses; about beating, shooting and insults by military personnel, bribes accepted
Charges against certain military personnel accepting bribes from Jews in forced labor camp
Criminal charges against Jews in forced labor camps, based on hearsay
Criminal charges against Jews and collaborators in forced labor camps
Plans, suggestions, decisions for mandatory military service, including forced labor camps for Jews
Deportation of 75 Jews to Romania
Ordinances for identification of citizens considered non-Jews, distinguishing those from mixed ancestry; forming committees to decide the authenticity of identification documents
Charges against Jews and alleged collaborators in forced labor camps
High ranking officers and aristocrats testifying about wounded Jewish soldiers treated in hospitals
Ordinance for limitation of economical and other human rights for Jews
Ordinances to limit rights of Jewish persons in forced labor camps, based on and justified by accusations
Petition addressed to Ministry of Defense to move certain Jews to forced labor camps
Ordinance and regulations of Jews in armed forces regarding their status
Petition by the citizens of Galanta for the removal of the Jewish forced labor camp
Various progress reports on work performed by Jewish laborers in camps; also accusations of bribery
Basic rules and proposed measures to organize forced labor camps; Stripping all military ranks from Jews
Consequences of marriage by military personnel to Jews
Solution to the Jewish problem within the military
Statistics and reports about type of work to be performed in camps
Informative report about personnel problems in the Southern territories (Banat) and Serbian sympathizers
Final edict regarding definitions to be considered Jewish or to be exempt
Categories set for persons serving in labor camps based on their origin; No uniform allowed for Jews
Various rules applicable in labor camps; rabbis' exemption from hard labor, etc.
Real Estate transactions by Jews; sales and purchases
General Information for mobilization of Jews between age 18-48 to labor camps
Complaints against Jews in labor camp utilizing uniforms for personal gains
Documentation of non-Jewish origin; identification of religious personnel in labor camps; demand for proof
Provisions for clothing, food and general supplies in labor camps; Collection from various organizations
Petition for removal of suspected 'liberal' personnel from activity in Red Cross
List of positions that cannot be filled by Jews or those with one Jew in their ancestry or those having Jewish wives
Further definitions of who is to be considered Jewish
Detailed proposal for new laws in military service for Jews
New laws to appropriate rural or agricultural real estate owned by Jews, evaluations of properties
Reports about rumors and accusations by anti-establishment, left wings news papers and socialist parties
Proposed law to revoke licenses from Jews
Questionable legal status of Jews with foreign citizenship
Petitions by the union of resorts and health spas in Transylvania
Rules of employment for managers and caretakers of apartment buildings. and caretakers of buildings
Proposed law to organize forced labor camps; Cost and benefits
Ordinance for setting rules in labor camps
Laws to be implemented to determine one's race as Jew and depriving Jewish soldiers of any rank; Rules to care for invalid soldiers.
Guns, ammunition and all materials used in war to be under control of the Ministry
Transcript of the alleged crimes committed by lieutenant Dr. Kalman Benedek
Ordinance forbidding Jewish camp laborers to take leave or to be in the city; No justification is necessary for gun usage against disobedient Jews
Eyewitness testimony describing events during air raids
Proposals for organization and supplies needed for labor camps
Ordinance to 'loan' to the Germans Jewish laborers for road work
Detailed definition of applicable rules for Jews with special exemptions
Report of labor camp inspection, comments and recommendations
Various definitions and rulings for handling Jews in labor camps
Diary and reports from the Russian front, casualties, road conditions, suggestions to retaliate on people in villages; no trade allowed with them
Interpretation and execution of the 'Jewish Law' in the military
Restrictions in commerce for Jews
Various correspondence about Jewish individuals serving in labor camps
Reports about imprisonment of fighting partisans on the Eastern Front
Jews employed in key positions at companies serving the public; Proposed law for confiscating and distribution of Jewish properties
Report by Hungarian Congressman G. Malasits
Documents found in the Ghettos at Sarvar, Kecskemet and Szeged
Notice to restrict food purchases by Jews; moving Jews to ghettos; Distribution of remaining items
Various identification documents left behind by Jews deported
List of names of all deported Jews from Kecskemet
Correspondence from the Jewish Council in Szeged to the Mayor; Notices to the Council
Inventories of confiscated Jewish goods and their distribution
Inventories of confiscated Jewish goods and their distribution
Inventories of Jewish goods left behind and their distribution
Jewish public service employees to retire or be dismissed.
Petitions and decisions about abandoned Jewish properties
Petition and approval to release anti-Semitic and fascist press
Citizens' applications for housing
Petitions to appropriate and distribute industrial and commercial properties
Ordinance and correspondence to all public employees
Ordinance to confiscate all commercial establishments owned by Jews
Notice to all territorial officers
Correspondence from the Committee
Petitions by Jews designated to be moved to a ghetto; Applications by non-Jews to occupy Jewish residences
Ordinance to all medical and medically related institutions
Applications for housing in abandoned Jewish residences; Petition to fill positions in former Jewish companies
Petitions by Jews to be exempt from moving to a ghetto; Applications to obtain Jewish assets and residences
Receipts by the German Command for Jewish goods received
Petitions by Jews to be exempt from moving to a ghetto; applications to obtain Jewish assets and residences.
Statements of expenses occurred with moving Jews to the ghetto; Inventories of articles left in the residences
List of Jewish physicians and engineers unmarried or without children
Expenses for maintaining residences in ghetto; Approval of payments
Ordinance for mandatory display of the yellow star for all categories of Jews; Moving of Jews to a ghetto; Rights of citizens to move into Jewish residences
Dissolving the Union of National Jewish Patronage
Official notice to move all Jews to the designated areas(ghetto), list of residences to be vacated
Petition by the Physicians Association of Szeged, joined by all Medical Staff from the whole country; Same for other Jewish professional
Decree to identify Jews to be exempt of restricting laws based on merits
Proposals of the Cabinet (ministry) to assure population with doctors
Decree to revoke from Jews licenses and income from any agriculturally related activities; Confiscating assets
Report of dismissing Jews from public employment
Ordinance to cease existence of all institutions, associations, organizations of Jewish character
Reports and correspondence about certain Jews to be arrested
Reports, fingerprints, personal data of Jews accused criminally and arrests
Correspondence and reports about Jews to be deported as foreigners
Ordinance forbidding appearing publicly of non-Jews with Jews; Compensation of expenses for the ghetto
Distribution of Jewish Doctors' and Pharmacists' equipment
Decree to confiscate all medical equipment and materials; Other reports and statistics of medical personnel
Inventories of assets left by Jewish doctors deported; Distribution requests
Ordinance to determine periods for shopping in public by Jews; Reports accusing Jews of price dodging and other anti-national deeds
Reports, minutes, witness testimonies accusing Jews and their collaborators for criminal and anti-national acts
Revision of governing laws of the Sacred Association
Letters addressed to the governing bodies of Szeged; Applications for exemption from ghetto
Excerpts from minutes of the sessions by the Committee to decide about Jews to be sent to the ghetto
Establishment of the Association of Hungarian Jewish Students of Higher Education - in Southern Hungary; Notification of closing (1944)
Applications for housing and household goods by residents
Creation of fall-out shelters; equipment and renovations needed; Decree to distribute perishable merchandise
Excerpts from minutes of decisions for exempting converted Jews from ghetto where documentation found dubious
Statement by the Bishop of Csanad regarding conversion of Jews to Christianity; Usage of motor vehicles and parts owned formerly by Jews
Applications for former Jewish residences; Requests for expense reimbursement related to ghetto
Reports of abuse of power in usage and distribution of confiscated goods
Applications for housing and assets from former Jewish homes; Petitions for exemption from ghetto; Expense reimbursements.
Farmers' petition to reinstate formerly Jewish owned businesses which ceased to operate - closed by the authorities
Decree forbidding Jews to appear in public places; Revision of housing distribution; Expenses for evacuating Jews and transporting them to ghettos
Citizens' applications to obtain articles left in establishments owned by Jews
Letters to the Ministry of Defense Dept. Of Air Raid Defense; Necessary measures for organization
Reports about valuable and/or perishable abandoned Jewish goods
Decisions for usage of synagogues, Jewish educational buildings and materials, medical equipment and supplies left by Jewish physicians
Letter from the Baross Union' to the Mayor to assure just distribution of Jewish goods and trades
Ordinance for handling, storing, inventory and evaluation of assets confiscated and/or left by Jews
Ordinance regarding loans or any kind of debts owed to Jews; Criminal charges against Jewish collaborators
Criminal charges and minutes of witness testimonies; Enhanced police forces needed
Correspondence to provide medical personnel to communities; Serious shortage of doctors in rural areas
Ordinance and notices to all national administration for dissolution of any Zionist organization in the country
Circular notifying employees in public service to prove their non-Jewish origin
Decrees and correspondence about anti-Semitic press releases, taxes owed by deported Jews; Construction of fall out shelters
Ordinances, decrees, correspondence about agricultural and residential properties owned by Jews
Ministerial ordinance to forbid forms, office supplies to be procured from Jewish owned firms; Building fall out shelters
Various correspondence connected with the German occupational units; Petitions for widows' pensions
Decree for blockade of all Jewish owned commercial and industrial establishments and their contents
Air raid shelter plans, licenses, safety features; Requests for war-widow pensions
Petitions for trade-licenses by Jewish citizens; Withdrawal of licenses, appeals for renewal; excluding actors and journalists from trade unions
Dismissing or retiring all Jewish employees in public service; including state hospitals and other related institutions
List of personnel who documented their 'pure' non-Jewish origin
Ordinance to all Police Offices about licenses and firearms owned by Jews.
Execution of the Ordinance regarding the declaration of Jewish agricultural properties and goods
Required forms to be completed to declare assets of Jews placed into ghettos
Various reports of activity, rules of conduct
'Top Secret' correspondence to implement the Jewish persecution laws in the military; Organizational rules for forced labor camps
Suspending licenses for any type of profit generating businesses
Seizing agricultural properties from Jews
Petitions from Air Raid Authorities for replacing Jewish physicians sent to forced labor camp
Several petitions by citizens to exempt their residences from the ghetto.
Temporary nomination of executive officers for Union of Hungarian Jews
Ordinances and rulings regarding Jewish commercial establishments
Documentation and proof of citizenship; Building of fall-out shelters; other issues for pensions
Execution of ordinance to report and confiscate Jewish assets; Retiring or dismissing Jewish public servants
Returning dismissed public servant to employment and/or retirement; Approval of pensions
Distribution of heating fuel (wood) left by the deported Jews
Trade license petitions for businesses with prior Jewish owners
Land distribution of properties confiscated from Jews
Disciplinary actions against certain persons allegedly helping Jews; Trials and hearings
Detailed Public Health Reports from various communities; Public safety; availability of every day necessities
Proposal for distribution of Jewish real estate properties confiscated; Mandatory declaration of real estate properties owned
Decree for utilization of assets confiscated from Jews by the German and Hungarian military personnel
Execution of decree for confiscating and listing all radios from Jews
Industrial railways and private lines attached to confiscated Jewish real estate properties
Several provoking posters
Decree regarding confiscated Jewish assets
Various petitions and decisions re: trade licenses and locations used; nomination of non-Jewish guardians
Decree to confiscate real property from Jews
Correspondence with the Jewish boys and girls' schools issued by the Jewish Congregation from Nagyvarad
Edicts and regulations for private schools; Removal of those operated by Jews; Proof required from non-Jewish personnel of their 'Aryan' origin.
Trade licenses, reported income and correspondence about execution of new anti-Jewish laws
Edict to remove all books authored by Jews; ruling for replacing retired teachers
Dissolving all Zionist organizations; distinguishing marks for Jews and inspection for implementation
Coupons for sugar and other food rations; revision of membership in various organizations
General rules for commercial goods confiscated from Jews
Required documentation of proof of citizenship; petition by a 16 year old Jewish girl; restricted travel for Jews
Regulations for handling Jews arrested by Police, in ghettos or in detention camps
Expenses related to placing Jews into ghetto; Petitions to obtain abandoned Jewish trades, properties; Rulings for rents and taxes on occupied properties.
Petitions to the Ministry of Interior for the usage of supplies and equipment from Jewish physicians placed in ghetto.
Rules of conduct related to usage of, evaluation, proper distribution; Inventory and evaluation.
Distribution of some Jewish assets to German occupying forces; various correspondence with police headquarters
Organization and construction of fall out shelters; documentation of non-Jewish origin mandatory to all public employees
Shortage of agricultural workers for harvesting; furloughs allowed from military service
Ordinance to regulate employment of physicians in labor camps
Ordinance for reporting all industrial railways rules for issuing motor vehicle licenses
Circular to police circuits and all regional public officers
Construction of fall out shelters; distribution of Jewish assets
Reporting abandoned Jewish agricultural and forestry properties; nominating new directors and guardians of Jewish assets
Correspondence with Police Headquarters for investigations; reports of stolen goods
Reports and correspondence about general housing shortages and social welfare; Petitions by organizations for housing though the entire country.
Shortage of lumber needed for coffins and proposals to handle attacks
Ordinance to handle Jewish assets left in locked up stores and houses; usage and distribution of radios
Ordinance for general mobilization for 3 months of labor service
List of personnel endangering national security; Minutes of testimonies by persons accused of trying to save Polish Jews and bribes received.
Detailed report of 3095 Jews taken to ghetto in Szeged
Ordinance to confiscate agricultural properties owned by Jews
Distribution of abandoned Jewish real estate properties
Jewish physicians' equipment and medicinal supply
Industrial and commercial railways owned by Jews; cancellation of all 'profitable' licenses to Jews
Petitions, refusals and approvals of former Jewish residences; Required proof of non-Jewish origin.
Reports of shortages in heating materials; asset distributions left by Jews
Execution of law for declaration of all assets owned by Jews; Organization of storage and evaluation
Edict defining obligations of Jews relocated to ghetto
Detailed inventories of household goods left by Jews placed into ghetto
Procedure for distribution of Jewish assets to German military units, to all public officers and treasurers.
Petitions for exemption of ghetto and wearing the yellow star
Ordinance for closing businesses owned by Jews; Reports from Mako, Szeged and vicinity
Lengthy correspondence about Joseph Sebestyen's citizenship
Distribution of Jewish residences and various household items (i.e. clothing)
Accusations and hearings about public officers smuggling Polish and Jewish refugees to Romania for money
Confiscation of hate provoking brochures
Daily personal search of Jews in ghetto
Numerous petitions by individuals desiring leading positions in formerly Jewish owned enterprises.
Ordinance to allow Jewish males outside the ghetto
Ordinance to discontinue or restrict Jewish establishments
Restricting Jews to appear in public; travel; forbidden usage of radio, typewriters, bicycles, etc.
Petitions and distributions of former Jewish residences and assets left; Priority for victims of bombing
Ordinance for retiring Dr. Bela Mogan from public service in 1944, then ordinance to be reemployed
Distribution of confiscated Jewish assets to military personnel; Ferenc Hoffman's exemption from ghetto
Requests, petitions connected with residences vacated by Jews
Correspondence re: dismissing or retiring teachers from the Academy of Music
Assessed fees, rents, taxes on the former Jewish residences
Loan applications by newly-wed couples
Applications and approvals for distribution of Jewish residences; Water department requests payment
Reporting repeated break-ins to abandoned Jewish properties; Danger of spreading infections brought by passing by military personnel
Decision to record a register of deeds Jewish ownership of properties
Ruling for properties owned by Jews
Firing all Jews employed in forestry
Expropriation of Jewish properties
Purchase of office supplies
Preparation for Inventories of Jewish assets
Dissolution of Jewish Unions and Associations
Transportation of forfeited Jewish goods
Withdrawal of commercial and industrial licenses from Jews
Employment of Jews in Commerce/Industry
Accusations of extortion and usury; Ministerial information to interpret the law; Criminal procedures
Petitions for returning goods left in Jewish establishments, blocked by authorities
Reports from Chambers of Commerce in regard to membership fees
Consequences due to removal of Jews from the country's economic domains
Order to list all Jewish commercial and industrial establishments; Closing of facilities
Orders and instruction to handle Jewish owned establishments
Official ordinance to close all Jewish owned commercial and Industrial establishments
Petitions for remuneration of employees from former Jewish establishments
Receiving inventories of goods found in closed Jewish establishments; Store openings
Experts needed to inventory certain goods in confiscated Jewish establishments
Lists of closed stores and industrial facilities prepared by community administrators
Shortages and difficulties caused by closed industrial establishments
New management needed in operating the expropriated industrial facilities
Distribution of closed Jewish establishments and merchandise; Recommendations by the Baross' Union
Requests for distribution of goods, equipment and business premises left by Jews to cover losses caused by bomb attacks
Transport and supply of building materials and forestry and lumberyards owned by Jews
Distribution of closed Jewish establishments and merchandise by a Committee; Appointments and renumeration of managers
Ministerial decision to distribute all Jewish owned businesses
Petitions for distribution and usage of goods abandoned by Jews killed and/or deported; inventories and monetary evaluation
Petitions for distribution and usage of goods abandoned by Jews killed and/or deported; Inventories and monetary evaluation
Court decisions for petitioners of inherited assets; listing legal heirs; Status change of abandoned properties with heirs
Eviction notice, accusations for forgeries of citizenship documents; other offenses
Ordinance to regulate distribution of primary food supplies for Jews in labor camps
Mandatory documentation of proof of citizenship; Evictions to internment camps.
Instruction to execute ministerial order of placing all Jews in ghettos
Notice to magistrates and other community leaders regarding assets obtained from Jews
Tickets for sugar to be re-distributed to non-Jewish population; other food supply restrictions
Decree to all public employees to present their proof of non-Jewish origin
Military needs for equipment and supplies to be allotted from Jewish possessions
Execution of edicts for distribution, inventory and reporting assets left by Jews
Decree to confiscate certain properties owned by Jews; Instruction for execution/distribution
Revoking all licenses and seizing all firearms from Jews
Governing rules in distribution of Jewish properties to public services
Distribution of Jewish owned medical supplies and equipment to German military units; Ordinance to report all medical materials
Ordinance and instructions for execution to establish normal living in post-war conditions
Additional Regulations regarding firearms
Utilization, distribution and maintenance of store locations owned previously by Jews
Correspondence and dispute for trade licenses
Distribution of assets left in businesses owned by Jews deported
Decree to ban all Jews from being received and served in public offices
Appointment of custodians for Jewish owned businesses
Instructions to reimburse expenses for moving out of non-Jews from locations designated for Jews only
Payment of expenses caused by moving Jews to ghetto
Distribution of housing to those displaced by creating the ghetto
Newspaper clippings and various communique for helping Jews; Announcements of public interest
Detailed personal documents
Correspondence with the military units for requesting supplies
Ruling to block and confiscate all inventories of Jewish Commerce; Request reports about closed stores
Requests and distribution of Jewish assets and housing
Radio transmission on May 10 by Chief of Police
Various correspondence about taking away more human rights from Jews
Appointment of the Union of Hungarian Jews
Various correspondence about entertainment surtaxes
Merchandise transfer in Jewish commercial establishments
Creation of air raid shelters for group of houses
Dismissal of Jewish employees from public service
Ordinance to ban employment of non-Jews in Jewish households
Blocking funds of Jewish Health Insurance Organization and audit
Homeland Security necessitates lumber and construction materials; Construction of bomb shelters
Announcement to report real estate properties owned by Jews
Correspondence and decisions regarding Jews in internment camp; All Jews detained living in the former Yugoslavian territories
Post cards addressed to the family of laborers
Petitions by persons sent to detention camps based on various criteria
Ordinance to confiscate land and other assets from Jewish owners
Petitions by persons relocated into detention camps
Questionable citizenship; allocation of annuities to Jewish families; Petitions to be exempt from laws
Detailed list of detainees about persons in mixed marriages requesting exemptions
Petitions for exemption from persecution as a Jew.
Postcard to the family
Official notifications addressed to the families of persons in camp
Text of laws relevant to handling abandoned Jewish assets
Report listing by name and address Jews in the ghetto
Various documents addressed to the Jewish Counsel
Decision addressed to the Jewish Council
Various correspondence written to and from the internment camps (Baja, Ujvidek, Szabadka etc.)
Summons issued to Jews for various topics
Fundamental Rules
Decree to all mayors and local governments
Banning operation of Jewish owned businesses
Ordinance to forbid public offices to acquire goods from Jews
Problems in organizing the ghetto; Relocating non-Jews; Requests for exemption
Text of final judgment and justification of sentencing
Birth, marriage and other certificates of identity
Foundation of the Union and appointment of leaders
Handling of Jewish wealth
Requests for housing and assets left from Jews in ghetto
Aids awarded to victims of war
Request for reporting all industrial entities owned by Jews; Licenses; Appointment of custodians
Approvals and denials of petitions for positions, housing, assets from Jews taken to Ghetto
Appropriation of Jewish owned landed properties and distribution; Assets taken by German troops
Confidential transcript to all public services to organize raids
Complete text of ordinance for appropriation of all Jewish landed properties; Barring Jews from functioning in legal system or government
Correspondence with local public leaders re: reports, list and other topics with Jewish population
Reports about execution of decree for pharmaceutical, Land and other commercial licenses
Complete text of decree and instruction for execution
Reports to Chief Magistrate about aliens in Hungary
Distribution of goods inventoried in confiscated Jewish stores; Valuation of merchandise
Confiscating all type writers and bicycles owned by Jews
Certification of urban and other public employees origin
Ruling to handle suspicious persons by local authorities; Illegal arrests of Jews
Ordinance to destroy books written by Jews
Documentation needed for Jews to prove their citizenship
Detailed list requested about all the Jews transported to Germany
Court decisions and justification for denials; Sentencing for hiding assets
Reports about local synagogues and their utilization
Correspondence to Regional authorities to place Jews under police supervision
Ordinance for executing the law re: mixed marriages
Instructions to handle abandoned Jewish goods
Reports to arrest Jews for crime of relationship with non-Jews
Trade licenses, allocations of vacated Jewish residences and stores, monetary obligations
Report of inventoried bicycles; Approval and denials of housing requests
Request to investigate and locate Jews escaped from internment
Execution of ruling by the Ministry of transportation
Calling all local Governments to sustain the institution formed to solve the 'Jewish problem.'
No telephone lines for Jew; Police investigation, arrests and internment
Further restriction of law exempting persons with any Jewish ancestry by the new Szalasi government
Instructions to handle monetary compensations for Jewish goods distributed
Compensation of expenses for handling Jewish assets; inventories and storage
Correspondence to Treasury Department to preserve art and craft objects
Request for statistics about number of Jews living in the area; Proof of origin for public servants.
Ordinances banning sale of some foreign papers; Forfeiture of flyers
Text of law to restrict activities of Jewish owned businesses
Instructions to handle collected personal effects and distributions
Several documents presented to prove the Furstners exempt status
List of Jews living in the area with all personal data
Text of law to wear the yellow star by Jews; Arrest for not wearing it
Forfeiture of Jewish real estate estate properties
List of Jews transported to the ghetto of Mosonmagyarovar from surrounding areas
Usage of goods derived from expropriated Jewish establishments
Raids to discover Jews from other countries illegally entering Hungary
Ordinance to confiscate and lock all Jewish owned stores; Detailed inventories of merchandise blocked
Instructions to execute ordinance forbidding Jews to own fire arms
Report to the Magistrate of illegal activities by Jews; Court proceedings
Ordinance for removing Jewish employees from public service
Correspondence and decisions to establish children's origin
Distribution of former Jewish residences; Problems derived from limited supplies in ghetto
Expenses connected with transport of Jews to Ghetto
Remodeling synagogue based on approval of the Interior Ministry
Ordinance to deposit all records from the Jewish registrar
Hungarian National Socialist Party presents pamphlets
Records from the Register of Deeds for buying/selling/gifting properties
Nominations and final decisions for managing Jewish businesses
Solution to resolve the material and property ownership rights of Jews
Allocation of assets left by Jews
Correspondence for reporting Jewish owned properties by local authorities
Report by local utility services requesting funds to cover lost revenues
Office of Chief Magistrate
Witness testimonies, documents to dispute of Rozsa str.99b property
Ordinance to Ministerial Councilman in charge with assets expropriated from Jews; Monetary evaluation
Banks and other financial entities; Hospitals, etc. request payments
Decision for usage of dental laboratory owned by a Jew.
Reports of breaking locks and theft of assets blocked in former Jewish owned stores
Reports and correspondence from local authorities
Correspondence and minutes about funds expropriated from Jews
List of expenses connected with assets left from Jews; Permission for the usage of blocked Jewish funds.
Court trials for unauthorized sales of goods previously owned by Jews
Correspondence re: gifting of library from Society of science of insurance
Petitions and correspondence to unblock expropriated Jewish assets; approvals and denials
Petitions for employing Aryan directors, appointments, reports
Petitions and correspondence by local magistrate for usage of equipment and containers
Request by the Military Squad and local officials for usage of Jewish assets
Requests to open blocked Jewish funds for payment of debts
Various petitions by individuals trying to obtain goods left by Jews; Requests by institutions for real estate properties
Applications to release blocked Jewish funds for various reasons
Requests to resolve financial matters by releasing blocked Jewish funds; Inventories of assets; Distributions
Record from registered deeds for real estate properties owned by Jews; Financial reports
Records of Land Registry of Jewish owned land; Inventories
Inventory, monetary evaluation and sale of Jewish commercial assets
List of merchandise in stores, homes; Monetary evaluation of goods; Sale and notary certification
Detailed records of Jewish real estate properties
Records of Securities owned by Jews reported by financial entities
Records of Securities owned by Jews reported by financial entities
Reports by local banks of Jews owning securities and cash
Text of Law and instructions
Text of law curtailing employment and licenses for Jews
Removal of registrar from the offices of Jewish Community Counsel
Various edicts to restrict and/or ban Jews from certain activities
Organization of ghetto
Decree for usage of assets left from Jews
Dept. Of Treasury requests operating abandoned Jewish establishments
Reporting expenses caused by evacuating and transporting Jews
Expropriating assets from all Jewish Organizations
Reporting Securities to the Central Financial Institution of Hungary
Decree to operate expropriated Jewish businesses; Usage of military personnel for taking inventories
Correspondence and reports about construction, leather goods, dairy products
Report by Police headquarter
Reports of Jewish debts
Expense reports and payment requests; Appointments of executives to Jewish owned businesses
Decree to report all agricultural and forestry properties owned by Jews; Instruction for usage of properties
Request to use blocked Jewish goods by military personnel
Ordinance and report of Jewish transportation companies
Ordinance to collect, report and evaluate left Jewish personal effects
Confidential command for return of Jewish assets removed by military personnel
Documentation and decisions by the Inheritance and Family Court
Documentation and decisions by the Inheritance and Family Court; Handling Jewish assets as inheritance; Litigations
Accounting for funds left by Jews
Tax assessments; Trade license request various correspondence
Various documents from the Jewish Congregation
Text of law employing Aryan public servants only
Report to Ministry of Agriculture about former Jewish properties
Report and accounting of assets left by Jews listed by various categories
Application by the Szalasi party for distribution of Jewish assets
Decree for withdrawal of food-ration tickets; General food supply to Jews
Report of Jewish merchants and trades men; Proposed sale of merchandise and business furnishings and equipment
Minutes of hearing and investigation; Warning of alleged abuses
Request for reporting all Jews in the area; Usage of Jewish residences
Request for reporting all Jews in the area; Usage of Jewish residences
Decree and instructions for handling Jewish assets
Decree and instruction of execution for handling Jewish assets
Warning to farmers not to employ Jews; Expropriating land and forestry under 5 acres
Warning to farmers not to employ Jews; Expropriating land and forests under 5 acres
Decree to grant amnesty to Jews being incarcerated for decades
Request from public services and reports of available buildings
No licenses for any type of business may be issued to Jews
Supplies needed in Jewish labor camps
Implementation of law for closing all commercial enterprises owned by Jews; Request to list all stores
Detailed description of criminal acts committed by Jews; Proposal for expulsion and confiscation of hidden assets
Instructing all local governments to dispose by sale or other means, assets confiscated from Jewish stores
Requests to list Jewish owners of stores located in communities with larger populations (over 10000 people)
Decree to ban all outside contact with Jews in forced labor camps.
Books with Jewish subjects, or Hebrew text to be discarded
Reports required from communities
Offenses committed by Jews
Circular to all local governments
Circular to all local governments
Food ration restrictions for Jews
Usage of vacated Jewish real estate and request to report properties and inventories of assets
Sale of expropriated goods left by Jews
Escape of some Jews from the labor camps; Banning contact with laborers; German military orders for delousing.
Request of info and death certificates by family members regarding massacres in Sopronbanfalva, Banfalva and other locations in the area
Report to Treasury Dept. about assets distributed
Requests and distribution of vacated Jewish residences
Circular to all local authorities regarding perishable merchandise; also list of agents by trade
Procedures to handle Jews in internment, ghettos or under police supervision
Procedures set to handle confiscated lands by appointed custodians; Payment to special account.
Termination of validity of licenses issued to Jews for trade practices
Raid ordered to discover Jews of foreign citizenship and their arrest
List of Jews in various rural locations; statistics for number of Jews in area; Requisitions of residences, stores
Inventories and distribution of Jewish assets; Requests and denials
Priorities determined for distribution of confiscated bicycles and other goods; Procedure to handle impounded radios
Request to report all books owned by Jews and other assets
Requested report of Aryans married to Jews
Sale of confiscated assets; Appointing Aryan custodians
List of trade groups and their ministerial appointees
Needed hardware by the military; Request to report guns confiscated from Jews; Housing needed for military personnel
Instructions, requests, reports of distribution for clothing and other household goods
Order to local authorities for reporting Jews living in their jurisdiction; restrictions
Execution of ordinance to dissolve all Jewish organizations
Report of 6 unknown persons found shot to death
Request to report Jewish spouses
Ban on any contact with Jews in labor camps
Officials from various rural localities reporting assets left by deported Jews; Inventories; Evaluation and sale
Decree to stop any commercial activities by Jews, details for execution; Appointment of custodians
Confiscating radios from Jews; reports to Gendarme Commanders
Reports listing converted Jews and other data
Appointment of Aryans to formerly Jewish owned stores; Investigations of illegal commercial activities; Jewish organizations and food rations from Jews to Aryans
Procedures to handle occurrences caused by various decrees to restrict Jewish lives; Evacuation from their homes, expropriation of their assets and list of distributed items
Requesting from various communities to allow minimum supply for Jews in ghetto; Report of death in internment camp
Ordering distribution of firewood and coal; Priority of recipients
Mandatory listing of all persons considered Jewish; Revoked licenses and expropriation of radios, typewriters
Sequestration of merchandise and equipment of Jewish owned stores; Circular to report all Jewish owned assets; Text of ordinance
Arrest of Jews with foreign citizenship; Handling expropriated perishable goods; Confiscating land and agricultural equipment leased or owned by Jews
Transfers of properties and appointments of custodians
Requesting local authorities to report, sell or distribute Jewish assets and deposit of proceeds; Accounting presented to Court by appointed auditors
Appointment of guardians, expense reports
Death certificates issued to heirs of deported Jews (after the war) and replacement of guardians
Appointment of guardians, expense reports
Death certificates issued to heirs of the war and replacement of guardians
Court decision to annex Jewish real estate properties as County's ownership
Nomination of guardians for managing abandoned and unclaimed Jewish assets; Expropriation by the County of assets
Mandatory construction of air raid shelters, Expropriated manager to abandoned Jewish businesses
Appeal by the Organization to Restore Jewish Funds in post-war era
Various topics about Jewish stores; Text of decree for closing and inventory of goods; Ban on all commercial and industrial licenses for Jews
Requesting list of all Jewish owners of industrial and commercial firms; Allocation and denials of requests for former Jewish businesses
Circular ordering deposits of proceeds from sale of expropriated Jewish assets
Decree to close Jewish owned industrial establishments considered unimportant for public interest; others to be distributed and managed by Aryans
Correspondence about Jewish labor camp workers in transit; Health and hygiene issues
Detailed instruction for reporting and evaluating Jewish wealth
Circular for dismissal of all Jewish white collar employees; Mandatory reporting and blocking Jewish assets; Freeing merchandise from Jewish lumber yards
Circular to request reports about Jewish owned stores under Aryan management and list of craftsmen
Deposit of funds derived from sale of Jewish assets; Request to report Jewish assets; Marketing of perishables
Collection and Distribution of clothing and any other valuables left from deported Jews
Warrant to locate and arrest escaped Jewish laborers
Preservation of the Hungarian intellectual spirit by banning all books written by Jewish authors.
Command to all local authorities to prepare list of all Jews in their community and real estate properties owned by Jews
Dispute and denial of business license
Dissolution of various Jewish Organizations and transfer of their assets
Restriction on food distribution for Jewish owned establishments
Sale of assets left by deported Jews
Reports by communities of public interest
Deleting Jewish ownership of real estate properties from the Register of Deeds
Appointment of guardians for the abandoned Jewish properties; Inventories of assets left in residences
Individuals testifying re various persons' behavior during the Holocaust; Death certificates issued
Expropriation of bicycles, sewing machines; cars etc. from Jews
Requests and distribution of assets left by deported Jews
Report of missing in action
Request to all public libraries to report and destroy books by Jewish authors
Requests for distribution of vacated Jewish residences; Payment of ghetto expenses
Ordinance to disband all Jewish organizations; Text of law issued by the Ministry of the Interior
Reporting food confiscated from Jews; Denied request of Rabbi Dr. Cornel Heves; Request by others for exemption
Requests and distribution of vacated Jewish residences
Execution of decree by the Ministry of the Interior to limit movements of Jews in public areas; Organization of the ghetto
Dismissal of Jewish physicians and all other employees in public service
List of Jews converted or exempted from persecution
Ordinance to build fences surrounding the ghetto
Prohibited usage of items obtained from Jews by Aryans; Reports of closed stores and contents
Requests and distribution of Jewish assets, real estate properties, farm lands; residences
Order to confiscate illegal pamphlets against Jews; Ministerial order to support the Institution to scientifically solving the 'Jewish Problem.'
Execution of ordinance to sell merchandise and equipment left in Jewish commercial establishments; Appointment of managers
Ordinance to report and block all Jewish assets; Revoking licenses for weapons; List of Jewish property owners
Dissolution of all Jewish organizations and confiscating their assets
Ordinance to inventory and expropriate all medical tools, instruments and equipment from Jews
Expropriation of printing press and materials from Jews
List of watches and jewelry used as evidence; Investigation
Text of edict and instruction of execution for all public employees to prove their Aryan origin
Managing larger expropriated Jewish estates
Ordinance to local authorities to confiscate all radios from Jews; Re-distribution of radios, stores, warehouses
Order to dismiss Jewish medical staff from hospital
Correspondence regarding license for ritual trade; Dispute and other trade restrictions; Allocation of cooking oil
Distribution of coal and fire wood; Inventories and sale of left Jewish assets
Reporting Jewish assets, nominating teachers to inventory goods reported; Using teachers for public service
Banning books written by Jewish Authors
Criminal investigation and indictment of teachers
Clarification of ordinance re: Jewish landed properties and mandatory reporting; takeover of properties
Locking all stores owned by Jews
Inventory of medical equipment and medicine left by Jewish medical personnel; Order to use Jewish doctors in different positions as unpaid laborers; Banning Jewish doctors from public service
Ban on usage of various properties by Jews; Usage of some expropriated medical supply and equipment
Requests and distribution of radios
Ordinance to dissolve all Jewish organizations; Confiscation of birth registry from the Jewish Community
Reporting rifles confiscated from Jews; Text of decree; Ban on trade licenses; Stocks of firewood and lumber
Mandatory reporting of Jewish owned commercial and agricultural assets; Distribution of Jewish assets.
Pamphlet for solving the Jewish problem and appeal to subscribe recommended by the Ministry of the Interior
Designated restaurants allowed to serve Jews; Jewish veterinaries assigned from labor camps; Auctioning vehicles left by Jews
Dismissal of all Jewish engineers and architects from public service; Registration of all Jews; Elimination of books written by Jewish authors
Text of ordinance from the Ministry of Interior regarding food rations to Jews
List of Jews living in the communities; Housing requests and list of Jews with real estate ownership
Request to local Authorities to report Jewish assets; Food rationing; List of banned books by Jewish authors; Income from real estate properties
List of Jewish store owners and locking these stores; Sale and proceeds; Sugar and bread ration tickets left from Jews to be re-distributed; Travel restrictions
Revoked rifle licenses; Preservation and sale of Jewish assets confiscated; Radios
Sale of goods left by evacuated Jews; Deposit of proceeds; Jewish wealth considered as national property
Ministerial decree to ban Jews from public offices; Removal of store signs; Jewish real estate properties under 5 acres; Proof of Aryan origin is requested rom public employees
Moving Jews to ghetto; Hidden jewelry and gold, priority of bomb attack victims
Prohibiting existence of all Jewish organizations; List of Jewish assets given to German troops in Szentgotthard; Marketing of textiles from Jewish stores; Distribution
Organization of Christian Jews; Accusations of theft from inventoried Jewish assets
Aryan managers; Jewish real estate properties for municipalities; Accusation and sentence for hidden merchandise
School/sanatorium accused of hiding Jews; Accusation of dentist; Instructions for protecting expropriated assets; Travel restrictions
Raids to find Jews from foreign countries staying illegally in Hungary; Raids to catch Jews fleeing from ghetto
Ordinance to all Treasury Departments to revoke licenses for any trade; Inventory of merchandise; Instructions to handle goods left by Jews.
Contesting accusations of being a Jew lover; Various correspondence about illegal activities with Jewish goods
Usage of teachers to inventory Jewish assets, and other public services; Related correspondence
Distribution and sale of Jewish assets left after deportation and complete list of Jewish vehicle owners and drivers
Jewish owned private railroads; Assets of former Jewish organizations; radios, typewriters and other distributions
Jewish war-invalids; Jewish registrar, books by Jewish authors shredded
Mandatory reporting of data by Jewish trades men; Text of ordinance excluding Jews from stock market
Request for usage of medical equipment and furnishing; New health facilities
Appointment of Aryan business managers; Distribution of evacuated Jewish stores; List of closed Jewish stores
Dispute about owners from mixed marriages; Drugstore, weapons and munitions licenses; Seed store; Article about application of the Jewish persecution laws
Ban on visiting health spas and baths by Jews
Ordinance to expropriate Jewish owned lands and dispute; Sale and appointment of Aryan custodians
Ordinance to expropriate real estate properties owned by Jews; List of properties and owners; Inventory of equipment
Requests to Regional Authorities to supply expectant mothers and babies in ghetto with essential food; General rules for food rations to Jews
Inventory and distribution of medical supplies expropriated from Jewish doctors
The Committee for Marketing Jewish assets organizes public employees to inventory and sell goods; Licenses; distribution of goods and animals left by Jews
Documents from the Jewish Registrar (birth, marriage, death)
Various restricting decrees for Jewish persecution, e.g. moving, food rations, hidden valuables, etc.
Banned books by Jewish authors; dissolved Jewish organizations and their confiscated assets
Text of ordinance and instruction of execution for transfer of Jews into Ghetto
Artifacts from Jews; exempted Jews; usage of medical supply from Jewish health officials
Industry and trade licenses suspended; custodians, accusations and remedies; Requests by Aryans for businesses owned by Jews
Various rules to execute decrees for Jewish persecution; List of household items left by Jews; Evacuation of Jews
Mobilization of Jewish males; Various permits in ghetto
Reports of various Jewish owned bicycles, archives, industrial sites, rail roads
Handicapped Jewish veterans; Confiscating lumber from Jewish owners; Rules to execute decree for Jewish stores
Medical supplies, real estate properties, requests by Aryans for assets left behind by Jews deported
Rules established for usage and deposit of proceeds from sale of assets left by evacuated Jews; Arrest of several Jews
List of books by Jewish author to be destroyed; Killing of house pets; Vacant former Jewish residences; Reports of agricultural properties
List of requested and distributed Jewish household and clothing items; Expropriation of rifles, radios, typewriters and land from Jews
List of Ministerial Commissioners by trade, various rulings for Jewish assets left or expropriated; Decrees for further Jewish persecution
Decree and details of execution to place Jews into Ghetto list of Jews, other restricting ordinances; Usage of real estate properties by public services
Sale and distribution of various Jewish assets left behind or confiscated; Deposit of proceeds; List of Jewish land leasers or owners with agricultural equipment
Reports of Jews taken to the local hospitals; List of books banned from reading
Appointments of Aryan managers for Jewish properties; Distribution of vacated Jewish residences; Removal of child from ghetto in Vasvar; Distribution of merchandise
Handling and preserving Jewish assets; Travel permits to certain Jews; Hiding goods; Revoking trade licenses.
Jewish artifacts, list of Jewish industrialists and merchants; Accusations of helping Jews.
Jewish real estate properties requested by public services; Merchandise distribution
Execution of ordinance for Jewish evacuation; Hidden Jewish assets, Ministerial trade-agents; Medical equipment
Jews pleading to obtain certain items left in their homes; Re-examination of pensions to Jewish veterans
Various persecution ordinances and expropriations; List of some Jewish merchants, Disinfecting the ghetto; List of Jewish rifle owners; Revoked permits
Instruction to execute decree to lock all Jewish stores and list of stores from some communities
Rules applied in ghetto to restrict Jews from various activities and complete list of persons moved to ghetto; Several inventories of Jewish assets left behind.
Requests and distribution of assets left by evacuated and deported Jews; Decree and instruction of execution
Various investigations and accusations
Criminal investigations and arrest orders of escaped Jews
Jewish assets hidden by Aryans
Ministerial Ordinance for expropriation of agricultural properties in various communities
Listing of all Jewish professionals and replacing them after evacuation; Requested proof of origin
Rules of restricting Jews from leaving the ghetto area.
Assigning Jews for agricultural labor; Radio distribution
Inventory of Jewish household items left behind; Requested compensation for damages caused by deportation; Certain Jews exempt from persecution.
Problems arising from usage of blocked Jewish assets by German troops; Supplying refugees with goods left by Jews; Removal of oriental rugs
Sale and distribution of Jewish assets, case of Oscar Rosenberg
Revoked trade licenses; Expropriation of wine selling firms, correspondence and dispute; Distributions
Jewish store distributions; Accusations of trade license abuse; Rules for usage of poisonous materials; Revoking trade licenses
Requests and distributions of Jewish stores, inventory and sale of merchandise; Aryan store managers
Request and dispute of wine merchant license and store equipment
Accusations and sentencing Jews for infraction of laws
Cancelled apprentice contracts with Jews; Merchandise inventory in Jewish stores; Store distribution
Death certificates of Jews died from dysentery, suicide, heart failures, etc.; List of assets bequeathed
Death certificates of Jews died from dysentery, suicide, heart failures, etc.
Report of assets itemized owned by Jews
Various instructions to execute persecutions and seizing Jewish assets and their usage; Radios, jewelries seized; Handling instructions
Vacated Jewish stores; Forbidden contact with Jews; Usage of Jews from labor camps in agriculture
Rent by the military payment for vacated Jewish residences Jewish bakery; Perishable merchandise
Vast documentation of the Steiner family for exemption; Sale of perishable stock in closed Jewish stores
Restrictions of supplies to Jews; Distributions of assets and stores; Confiscating the Jewish Civil Registrar
Requests and distributions of Jewish stores, residences; merchandise; list of stores owned by Jews
Accused Jews cannot be sentenced because of their deportation; Sale and usage of Jewish assets; Validity of all contracts with Jews cancelled; Decree to transfer goods left from Jews for military usage
Final clearance of all assets left from Jews by sale and/or distribution to the needy; Stolen goods; Deposit of sale proceeds
Instructions to public employees to prove their Aryan origin; Jews to be used in agriculture; Bicycle requisitions; Strict order to surrender Jewish assets to Aryan possession.
Trade licenses; Jewish household goods distributed, or to be sold and sales proceeds
Order to report all persons in mixed marriages regardless of exempt status; Military usage of Jewish assets
List of Jews in some rural areas; Ban on contact with labor camps; Sign removals; Jews sought for illegal acts; Sugar rations; Jews in ghetto to be used in agriculture
Restriction of store hours for Jews; Books by Jewish authors removed; Heating fuel left by Jews; Keeping records of Jews living in the communities; Vacant residences distributed.
Mandatory reporting of hidden Jewish assets; List of vacant Jewish properties; Street name changes; Instructions to move Jews to ghetto; Transfer of Jewish properties to public services
Distribution of Jewish assets and inventory; Merchandise transferred to 'Hangya' co-op, some dispute.
Distribution of vacated Jewish residences
Investigations for alleged offenses committed by Jews; Food rations; Sales of store contents, appointments of managers to Jewish stores
Raids to be held to capture Jews living illegally in the country and other criminal acts by Jews; Illegally held Jewish assets.
Reporting Jewish professionals, various requests for assets left from Jews, like stores, equipment, real estate properties, etc.; Drinking of brandy by public employees and stealing while body-searching transported Jews
Sale and distribution of expropriated Jewish assets; Revoked trade licenses; Private railroads.
Cooking oil rations; Expropriation of brick factory
Ordinance to register all Jews in the communities; Banning purchases of goods from Jews; Instructions to handle vehicles and horses confiscated from Jews.
Confiscating assets from Jews, decree to eliminate books written by Jewish authors
Correspondence to establish E. Szekely's race classification; food rationing to Jews; Handling abandoned Jewish assets; Surrendering radios; punishment for possessing Jewish assets; Heating fuel distribution
Requesting list of unwanted elements detrimental to society like gypsies and idlers; Sale of Jewish assets
Notice to Arrow party members to send their youth for supervising and watching the Jews in ghetto
Cancellation of all Jewish persecution decrees and laws; Handling abandoned or confiscated Jewish assets in post-war era
Decree to cease employment of Jews in public offices
Inventories and receipts for Jewish assets returned to owners in post-war era
Requests, documentation and decisions to exempt persons from persecutions as Jews
Trade licenses revised; Instructions and documentation required for exemption of persecution laws; List of approved exemptions; Appeals
Sequestration of Jewish commercial establishments; Sales and Aryan managers
Restricting Jews in marketing; Mandatory reporting of assets, inventory and some sale and auctioning of merchandise
Seizing Jewish owned industrial facilities; List of owners; Storing expropriated merchandise
Correspondence to solve problems with penalizing certain offenses committed by deported Jews
Proof of Hungarian citizenship
Proof of Hungarian citizenship (continuation of reel 107E)
Various requests for tax exemption and military service as head of families; Aid and loans for widows and children
Arrest of some Jews; Listing of all Jews in the area; Request for female workers in labor camps
Problems with buildings designated for ghetto; Solved by evacuation of ghetto and deportation of Jews
Correspondence with Rail Roads (MAV) in post-war era re: buildings used before as part of the ghetto
Various issues connected with moving Jews to the ghetto; Requests and distributions of expropriated Jewish assets
Requests and distributions of Jewish assets; Radios to be surrendered; Expense reports connected with ghetto
Inventory, storage and handling Jewish assets left behind; Plea to satisfy discontent of people by giving away Jewish assets; Usage by the military; Damage report
Russian Military personnel removes stored Jewish assets in post-war era
Correspondence and documentation request from Jews to prove their citizenship
Physicians called to serve in forced labor camp; Vast correspondence about Dr. Prager
Disputes and documents for wine trading and equipment; Decisions and appeals for trade license; Arrests, internment of Jews as undesirable elements
Expropriation from Jews of various assets; Requests and distributions; Reorganization of sanatorium in Eger
Pardoning non-Jews in internment camps accused for political crimes reviewing their cases; Books written by Jewish authors to be removed
Internment request for Gyula Denz; Furniture for military; Petition to be exempt from moving to ghetto; Denied work permits.
Appointment of Aryan managers; Physicians in labor camps; usage of synagogues; Dissolution of Jewish student and teachers associations and assets confiscated; Mandatory service by pharmacists in labor camp
Jewish owned Industrial Railroads; Dissolving Zionist organizations; Removal of books by Jewish authors
Decree for declaration by citizens; Report of data re: cleansing the cities from Jewish presence; Reports of various police statistics
Transfer of Jewish real property; Request for exemption; Ritual bath closing; closing all Jewish stores and related problems and requests; Expense reports connected with moving Jews to Ghetto
Expropriating typewriters, bicycles; Infectious diseases in ghetto; Lengthy correspondence regarding estate and endowment by Mrs. Julius Pikler
Surrendered Jewish Registrar; Distribution of merchandise from closed stores; Expropriated assets inventoried by public servants; Medical and pharmaceutical supply handling; Aryan managers appointed
Organization of ghetto; Equipment in ghetto; Wine and agricultural properties left by Jews
Mandatory reporting and expropriation of land; Usage, requests and distribution of expropriated properties of farmland, vineyards, forests from Jews; correspondence and reports about property of Dezso Grossner; inventories of equipment and materials needed in vineyards owned by Jews
List of Jewish landowners in the region; Mandatory reporting of assets by Jews and list of owners
Reports of taxes due from Jews; Decree to handle medical equipment and suppies, surrendered bicycles; Livestock inventory; Cost of transport.
Confiscating materials used in vineyards; Unreliable Jewish workers; Inventory of assets found in evacuated residences
Organization of life in ghetto, allowed objects; Lists of Jews moved to ghetto from some localities
Various rulings to register Jews, close their stores, confiscate equipment and merchandise, surrender radios
Wages of Jewish laborers, usage of perishable goods; Removal of plays by Jewish writers, distribution of Jewish assets to bombardment victims; Revoked licenses
Aryan women married to Jews; Tax assessments; Mandatory checking of wearing the yellow star and applicable sanctions
Confiscation of farmlands from Jews and inventories; Assets of Erno Weilers family; List of books removed from public by Jewish authors; Jews ordered to farm work; Usage of Jewish real estate by public offices; Illegal usage of expropriated assets; Warrants issued
Distribution of clothing left by Jews; Auctioning Jewish assets
Unauthorized usage of merchandise from Jewish stores; Farm land distribution
Organizing ghetto, inventory of confiscated merchandise; Distributions and requests; Listing of Jewish store owner; Appointment of custodians; Banning of books by Jewish authors
Jewish residences distributed; Food ration for Jews; Sale and handling of assets confiscated, Warrant of arrest for escaped Jews; Doctor's office equipment; Jews in forced labor camps barred from communication.
Inventories at Mrs. Valy; dissolution of Jewish organizations; wearing Jewish star at work; revoked trade licenses; inventory of merchandise in closed stores
Confiscated radios; Jewish properties listed; illegal usage of confiscated assets by public institutions; escaped Jews and arrest; deposit of ale proceeds
Ordinance to forbid employment of Jews in public offices; proof of origin requested; handling Jewish assets; post-war collection of left over Jewish assets
Heating fuel distribution; Sequestration of Jewish assets; sales; forbidden communication with Jewish laborers; postwar elimination of Jewish persecution laws
Warrants issued; rations of flour and sugar; list of Jews in communities; locked Jewish stores, list of books to be destroyed
Handling Jewish assets; inventories; Mrs. Gyori's offense; sale of perishables; restriction on salt; post-war founding of Jewish organizations;
Charges against chief magistrate in Csepreg; Ministerial decree to dissolve all Jewish organizations; raids to locate and arrest foreign citizen Jews; salt supply problems; housing requests; reports
Distribution of typewriters, bicycles, radios, landed properties; Organization of ghetto in Csorna; illegal possession of Jewish assets
List of physicians and pharmacists; list of 50 Jews moved to ghetto; sequestration of assets in castle of Egyed
Jews in agricultural work; proof of citizenship; veterans' care Hidden Jewish assets; exemption requests, documentation; search warrants and investigations
Request for granary; requests for distribution of various assets left by Jews
Requests and distributions of assets left by Jews; Real estate properties, allegations and investigations for hidden Jewish assets; Deportation of Jewish foreigners
Revoking firearm licenses; Several Jews listed without proof of citizenship; Lengthy dispute about Salamon Reich and deportation.
Text of ministerial ordinance for sequestration of stores and merchandise owned by Jews and their preservation; Lumber, bicycles, typewriters distributed; Sale of perishables.
Text of various ordinances re: closing or operating Jewish owned stores; administrative instructions in industry and commerce
Requests and distributions of merchandise from closed Jewish establishments; citizenship documentation; list of goods distributed to bombing victims
Jewish assets held by public offices; Foreign Jewish citizens; Criminal investigations for theft of Jewish assets.
Order to arrest escaped Jews; detailed list of Jewish stores; text of ordinance and instructions for sale of assets left from Jews
Distribution of clothing from Jews; warrant for escaped Jews; list of appointed Aryan managers, street names to be changed after fascist heroes
Search for mass graves and other buried Jewish bodies during Holocaust
Exemption from persecution laws; dissolving Jewish organizations; trade licenses; hidden Jewish assets; Jewish physicians in internment camps
Medical equipment and supplies distributed; Hungarian Institution researching the 'Jewish problem'; Revoked trade license; Requests to be exempt from persecution based on various criteria; Work permits prohibited.
Expropriation of merchandise from Jewish stores; Usage of perishables; Exclusion of Jewish lawyers from the bar; Bicycles, typewriters confiscated; Aid to Jewish families; Dispute of permanent residency.
Bans and restrictions for Jews in various activities
Military usage of Jewish goods; Sanitary measures in temporary Jewish quarters; confiscated assets evaluated
Exempting some Jews from persecution laws; Gendarmes to occupy Jewish residences; Ban on firearms, Reimbursing expenses made for ghetto.
Several trade licenses revoked; illegal confiscation of goods; arrests for price gouging; illegal sale of food; arrests and internment for various causes; citizenship documentation
Physicians' service; Dispute of store closings on Saturdays; Required medical supplies by Red Cross; Several requests and documentation for exemption from persecution laws.
Dissolution of all Jewish organizations and confiscation of their assets; Inventory of medical equipment and supplies taken from Jewish hospitals; Surrendered bicycles, typewriters; Aid requested by widows; Heating fuel distribution.
Accommodation of German troops; inventory of household items transferred to German troops; usage of confiscated horses; expense reimbursement; request for soda factory; Aryan managers in Jewish establishments
War aids to families of Jews in labor camp; Appointments of managers; Hazardous materials in Synagogues
War-aid to families of Jewish labor camp workers; procedure for sale of assets expropriated from Jews; Aryan managers
Instruction for Jewish asset distribution to German Military units.
Food rations for Jews; Inventory of Jewish household assets; Perishable merchandise; Usage of Jewish real estate properties; Banned books by Jewish authors
Revoked trade licenses; heating fuel distribution; livestock sale; illegal usage of assets; Distribution of clothing left by Jews
Expropriated assets management; Jews from ghetto to agricultural work; Religious education outside ghetto; Radios surrendered; Lists of abandoned real estate properties
Hidden valuables; ban on supply purchases from Jewish stores; distribution of bicycles; request for Jewish stores by Aryans; post war decree for Jewish employment; post war reorganization
Request for Jewish businesses by Aryans; Placement of German and Hungarian Military units; inventory of assets in abandoned Jewish households; salt distribution; warrants for arrest of Jewish escapees
Registration of Jews; Jewish business owners' list; Report and ban on real estate properties; Revoked trade licenses; Sale of goods abandoned, Jewish real estate properties.
Suspended warrants; auction for expropriated Jewish assets; various post-war decrees to repeal all Jewish persecution laws, reorganized Jewish associations
Request for Jewish residences; Jewish real estate properties; Food rations; Prohibited books in libraries; Managing abandoned Jewish assets
Surrendering radios; revoked trade licenses; wearing the Jewish star; sale of agricultural assets; usage of clothing; distribution to military and refugees; inventories, decree to cede agricultural properties to Aryans;
Confiscation of G.Deutsch's property; documentation for disability benefits; documentation for service inability; bicycles, and typewriters redistributed; Red Cross membership; Post-war repeal of all persecution laws
Proof of Aryan origin for physicians; Requests for evacuated Jewish residences; Various criminal and civil court cases.
Building of Levente hostel; report of Jewish owned rail roads; Manager for sack and canopy business; dispute to obtain former Jewish residences; warrants of arrest for escaped Jews
Mass grave opening in post-war era; return to owners of confiscated Jewish assets; Society of Hungarian Christian Jews; List of industrial sites of Jewish ownership; criminal investigation for hiding Jewish assets; residence distributions; E.Rotter's trade license.
Requests, distributions and sale of merchandise from closed Jewish stores; telephone lines; requests and distribution of Jewish household items; lists of some Jewish trade license owners; list of closed stores owned by Jews;
Residence allocation to displaced persons; Grinder plant manager; Long list of home owner Jews; Warrants to arrest escaped Jews; Reports of firearms owned by Jews.
Decree for housing of personnel from gendarmes and military; Denial of passport .
Ministerial ordinance of field and forest management; sale and storage of Jewish assets; confiscated radios from Jews; household items to refugees; aid to war-widows; list and use of pharmaceutical items.
Usage by German military of Jewish assets; appointment of experts for evaluation and sale; internment of escapee; gathering valuables; suspects for stealing monies; warrants issued for escaped physician
Inventories of collected Jewish assets in post-war era; report of newly established Jewish organizations
Spreading malicious rumors; usage of household goods by military personnel; missing confiscated Jewish assets; arrest of physicians and family; illegal possession of Jewish assets; removal of signs,
Disputing land ownership; Land distribution requests; Expropriation of land owned by Jews; Hidden clothing and textile from Jews; Suspending Jewish employment in public services; Distribution of confiscated radios and list of recipients; Automobiles from Jews
Documents of Jewish organizations; request for land; German military involvement in closing Jewish stores and taking inventories; list of Jewish store owners
Closing of Jewish owned stores and merchandise inventory; usage of blocked merchandise by the military and Germans; list of electric work for storage buildings; payment for items distributed.
Instructions for merchandise distribution from Jewish stores; deposit of sales proceeds; appointment of managers.
List of Jews in Veszprem subject of persecution laws and list of closed stores
Seals broken on closed Jewish stores; typewriters confiscated
Surrendering typewriters; accounting for sale of merchandise from Jewish stores, proceeds receipted and deposited; auto parts distributed; requisition of listed construction materials; Bomb attack victims compensated from Jewish stores
Store manager appointments; Leather goods inventoried; Marketing perishables; Appointees by trades; Huvos brick factory problems; payment by German military for using merchandise from closed Jewish stores; distribution of goods for bombardment victims
Tax arrears; financial transactions; machinery maintenance supply; appointer Aryan Directors to Jewish stores and industry; Banning Jewish transportation companies.
Jewish assets surrendered to the military; photo materials distributed; accounting for sale of Jewish assets
Report of industrial firms owned by Jews; lumber distributed from Mrs. Weisz; rules of rent payment for properties; Jewish transportation firms
Inventory of assets surrendered to the military; Deposit of sale proceeds; Inventory of Veil's store equipment; Distribution of sewing machines; List of confiscated merchandise from Jewish stores and list of owners; Clothing donation to factory workers.
Sale price regulations; Merchandise distribution to military hospital; Free winter coats to NCO-s; Installment sale of Jewish stores to Aryans; Confiscating merchandise from Jewish owned lumberyards; Insurance policies
Tax payment by Jews; Petitions for tax abatements; List of Jews with arrears; Asset sequestration after moving Jews to ghetto; Jewish Community representatives requesting some supplies for ghetto
Abandoned dogs; De-barred attorneys' list; Medical supplies expropriated; Jewish real estate properties for public services
Report of Jewish land owners; Jewish veterans pension; Handling sequestrated Jewish assets; Jewish cemeteries; Confiscated propertys' repair; Dairies owned by Jews; Sales of Jewish properties; List of industries owned by Jews; List of exempt Jews; Jewish merchants listed.
Food rations for Jews; Ban on public bath and resorts; Usage of vacant residences; Ban on travel; Forbidden radio transmissions; Internment of communists; List of Jews in Alag; Jews accused; Text of law for Jews to be registered; Pension requests
Distribution of Jewish owned land under 5 acres; Distribution of vacant Jewish residences; Ban on resorts and spas; List of Jewish telephone owners; List of 102 Jews in Vac
Requested proof of origin for public employees; Disputes, correspondence and various problems of housing owned by Jews rented and allocated to Aryans; Dissolving Jewish organizations
Real estate properties allocated to Public Services; Foreign citizen Jews; Data requested about Jews in rural areas; Inventory of former Jewish homes; Tibor Schwartz summoned
List of stores and storages owned by Jews, Distribution of radios; Military investigation; Assets of exempt Jews; Auto parts distribution; Sales of clothing left by Jews; Requests for physicians; Clothing sales suspended
Various housing requests, Distributions and other related issues; Requests for closed Jewish stores; Jewish property sales; Warrant for Salamon Sorger; Dissolution of social democrat union and confiscating all its assets; Closing of tourist lodge
Identification documents of travelers; Internment of Jews for suspicion of communism; Martial law for illegal usage of radios and confiscation; List of Jewish with radios; Mrs. Sourjon as illegal alien; Ban on employing Aryans by Jews, Ban on services of Jewish attorneys
List of Jewish owned automobiles; Wearing of the Jewish star; Reporting all Jews living in the communities; Various decrees of persecution; Mrs. J Weisz's estate; Handling instructions for merchandise in closed stores; Usage of Jewish properties by public services
Assets returned to exempted Jews; Inventory of assets from A. Goldsand; Ceasing all Jewish organizations; List of bicycles and typewriters confiscated; Enlisting for auxiliary service of all Jewish men; Trade licenses withdrawn
Revision of pensions; Jewish owned animal husbandry expropriation; Collection of clothing left; Mixed marriages banned; Land sales; Report of land sale; Merchandise in closed Jewish stores; Distribution of goods to bomb victims.
Loss of all human rights
Inventory of assets found in residences of several Jews; More data of Jews moved to ghetto; Inventory of assets confiscated from certain Jews
Various inventoried assets of merchandise in stores and household items left in residences by evacuated Jews
Guidelines to handle land under 5 acres and properties expropriated from Jews and their utilization; Description of properties; Property owners list; Several inventories of household items left by evacuated Jews; Repair of bomb-damaged properties
Flour supply; Reported damage and repair requests for properties; More lists of under 5 acres properties; Former Jewish owned assets distributed
Internment of suspicious Jews; Various bans and restrictions; Listing of Jews; dissolution of Jewish organizations; stores, equipment and merchandise confiscated; Location designated for ghetto
List of surrendered radios, stores closed; Confiscated animal husbandry; Deposit of sale proceeds; Surrendering Jewish registrar
Collection of clothing left; Elimination of books by Jewish authors; Internment ordinance for suspicious elements; Lumber confiscated from Jewish owners; Reporting number of Jews in the communities
List of Jewish families in Monor; Goods from closed Jewish stores; Jewish organization dissolved; Various bans and restriction ordinances; War-aid request
Inventory of abandoned residences; Exemption instructions; Jewish laborers to road repair; Revoked commercial licenses Requested closed Jewish stores, pharmaceutic supplies
Milk supply restrictions; Usage of properties for animal husbandry; Usage of synagogues; Evacuation of ghetto in Monor; Death certificate requested; Requests for residences; List of closed stores in Monor; Jewish merchants' statements; Lease of Arthur Szeszler.
Distribution of expropriated lands; Restricted food rations; Close supervision of suspicious persons; Internments; Inspecting the display of Jewish stars; Locations designated for ghetto; List of Jews evacuated from some rural areas; Collection of items left behind by deported Jews.
Documents for citizenship and exemption; Number of Jews in Pilis; Food rations; Record of Jews in some rural areas; warrants for arrest; Books by Jewish authors banned; Organization of national Guard
Land requisition; Real estate, Field and forestry expropriation; Collection and sale of household items; Store owners list; Reporting abandoned Jewish owned homes
Ban on books; Internment of suspicious elements; Food rations; Reporting closed Jewish stores; radios confiscated; Usage of properties by public services; Revoked trade licenses; Raid to capture foreign citizens; Inventory of Jewish residences; Inventory of stores contents
Deposit of sale proceeds; Radios confiscated; Requested internment from some areas; List of Jews of suspicious activities; List of locations designated for ghetto.
Gendarmes moving Jews to ghetto; Closing of synagogues; List of Jewish store owners and inventory; closing of stores; Banned books; Reported looting of closed stores
Request for auto parts; Trade permits revoked; Appointment of managers; Usage of pharmaceutical items; Sale of equipment and merchandise; List of Jewish radio owners
Dispute for coal distribution; List of confiscated agricultural properties; Restricted public employment; Manager for agricultural properties; Requests for radios
Accounting for expenses of moving Jews to ghetto; Problems with distribution of vineyards; Ghetto organization, Pharmacy closing; Usage of abandoned residences; Arrest of escaped Jews; Replacement of physicians.
Arrest of some Jewish merchants; Exempted Jews from persecution; Excluding Jewish attorneys and physicians from the Associations; Request for a mill; Requests for closed Jewish stores and residences.
Requests for Jewish assets by Aryans; Confiscated land and real estate properties; Store closings on Saturdays; Hidden assets by Jews; Reporting assets by Jews in labor camps
Control of foreign citizen Jews; Exemptions from persecution; Alimentation of Jews in deporting wagons; Decree for deportation ;Materials left in synagogues; confiscating radios, pamphlets and other press releases.
Internment of Jews for various accusations; Jewish pharmacists in labor camp; Mrs. H. Weinmann's trade license; Accusation of Gyula Farkas; Appeal by Samuel Pressburger
Dr.Henrik Singer's foundation; Illegal price hiking by Adolf Schwartz; Various court cases; Internment or police supervision ordered for some Jewish persons
Requests for war-aids; Herman Goldstein's residency; Aid requests; Trade licenses revoked.
Jewish employees reported; Request to lift police supervision; Trade licenses revoked; Arrest for price gouging; Internment ordered for several Jews and documentation
Criminal offense reported; Confiscation of lumber; Store closing on Jewish holidays; Guidelines for store closings; Dissolution of Jewish organizations
Requested persecution by German military; Method of payment by Germans troops
Visible display of yellow star; Firearm licenses revoked; Court documents; Reporting Jews illegally staying in Hungary; Travel restrictions
Confiscated stores; More restrictions; List of appointees by trade; Usage and sale of properties; Sentencing for price gouging ;Arrests and internments
Confiscation and distribution of radios; Request for exemption from persecution
List of Jews living in the communities; Ghetto organization
Physicians needed in labor camp; Criminal charges; Usage of Jewish residences
Reporting press shops, periodicals; Ban on public services employment for Jews; Appointment of committees; Petition by J. Weisz; Detailed instruction for inventory and handling assets left behind by Jews
Ghetto moving expenses; Exemption from persecution; Internment and police surveillance
Hidden assets; Appeals to lift surveillance; Evacuated residence distribution; Confiscating Jewish registers; Cameras and binoculars confiscated; Request for cows; Agricultural items confiscated; Sale of household animals
Obtaining Jewish properties; Physicians in labor camps; Sale of clothing left; Distribution of household items.
Distribution of residences; Court disputes; Receipts for rent payments; Land purchase; Petitions for exemption from persecution
Citizenship documentation; Stores expropriation; Pension requests; Store rental contract
Relocation of 'White Snake' pharmacy, change of ownership
Appeal for store location; Medical treatment cost; Sale price regulations; Citizenship documentation; Complaints; Requests for exemption from military service
Illegal trafficking of merchandise; Several documentations for citizenship; Court proceedings for permanent residency of minors.
Appeals by A.Fried, Feldmann and Herschkovits .Request for exemption from labor camp; Appointing guardians; Appeal for trade license revoked; Death of Rabbi Austerlitz; New chief Registrar; Salamon Spira
Eviction procedures; Documents for proof of citizenship; Preferential treatment for rabbis and students; Updating of air raid shelters; Eisenberg's complaint, appeal and refusal
Trade license to a minor; Notice for repair of property; More citizenship documentation; Foundation by J. Klein and wife
Air raid shelter modernization; Excerpts of law for marriages of Jews with Aryans; Danczinger's citizenship documents; Bread supply to Jews during Easter; Charges for funds collected and embezzled
Usage of Jewish real estate properties; Accommodation, food and mode of payment for the military; Complaints for bad behavior; Cooperation with German troops; Usage of Hungarian currency
Lighting of internment camps in forests; Proof of citizenship documentation; Land distribution; Public aid to Hoch and Politzer; Legal residency revoked
Aid request and refusal; More citizenship documentation; Request to evict tenant and refusal; Request for firewood and matzo; Permit for new construction
Requested document for proof of citizenship; Financial aid requested; Dispute about the Pollak heirs property; Payment for medical care
Air raid shelter modernization; Agents appointed to handle Jewish possessions; Revoked trade license; A. Abris placed into old folks home; Jewish store requisition; Request and refusal of naturalization
Guardianship for minor; Heirs of Mano Roth; Approval of air raid shelter reconstruction; Court decision storing planting seeds; Requested exemption from labor camp
Request to reduce quota of grain to Public Alimentation; Aids for war widows and others; Documentation for residency
Real property sale; Proceedings against Rottmann; Request for cooking oil rations by Jewish congregation
Naturalization and citizenship requests and documents; War aids; Control of foreign citizens; Proof of permanent residency
Reconstruction of air raid shelters; War aids; Guardians for minors and their permanent residency; Mandatory repair of property; Offenses and fines; Requests for naturalization and citizenship
More air raid shelter repair; Izso Ungar's finances; More documentation for citizenship; Accusations of embezzling funds; More war aid to families.
Disciplinary proceedings against attorney; Other criminal charges of Attorney's misconduct; Building air raid shelters; Aid to Mrs. Reisz; More citizenship documentation.
Cooking fat rations; War aids to families; Guardians to minors; Disputed hospital charges
Air raid shelters; Changes in register of deeds; War aid requests; Accusations of rationed food hoarding; Requests to document permanent residency and citizenship.
Mandatory labor camp for medical professionals; Control of displaying the Jewish star and penalties; Blue prints of air raid shelters to be constructed
Residency documents; Family aid requests; Air raid shelter construction; Residency of minors; Arrest for lack of citizenship documents; Inventory of confiscated jewelry.
Store closing reports; Manager appointments to Jewish stores; Jews moved to ghetto; Wagon expropriation; War aid requests; Bread and sugar rations; Exemption requests.
Building custodians appointed; Requested list of Jews in Miskolc; War veterans' aid request; Dispute about Jewish store; Disputed dike repair; Distribution of radios.
Report of assets owned by Jews; Air raid shelter designation; War aid for families; Citizenship documentation; Ghetto location established.
Exemption from ghetto requested; War aid denied; Ghetto alimentation; Jews assigned to public maintenance work; Ordinance for air raid shelters; Jews assigned as drivers in air raid defense
Removal of books written by Jews; Appointment of Hungarian Jewish Union; Closing of Jewish owned dental depot; Public aid denied for Jews; Accusations of minor offenses; Food ration tickets for Jews.
Newspaper articles; Minutes of meeting by Turul Association Bicycle requisitions; Store closings; Air raid shelters; War aids; Manager appointed to Abbazia Hotel; Poster by the Nat'l Socialist Party; Managers appointed to Jewish stores
Request to put factory in production; Cow confiscated; Custodian appointed to build air raid shelter; Various assets confiscated from Jews
Requisition of Jewish bicycle shop; Deposit of funds from Jewish assets sold; Bomb victims receive Jewish assets; Same by needy; Exemption from persecution laws requested
Paper goods distributed; Citizenship documentation; Housing of military personnel; Jews deprived from honorary positions; Carpentry shop to the military; Typewriters distributed
Confiscation of pamphlets; Glassware distributed to German Military Command; Jewish physicians in labor camps; Summons issued by Court; Revoked trade licenses; Clerk assigned for sale of merchandise confiscated; Registers from Jewish schools confiscated.
Refugees request household items; Requisition of bicycles; Proof of origin requested from public employees; Rent for Jewish residences occupied; Street name changes; Housing requests
Jews banned from field and forest husbandry; Distribution of confiscated Jewish assets with inventories; Warrants of arrest issued to capture Jews
Stolen Jewish assets by German soldiers; Thefts by others.
Landed properties under 5 acres confiscated; Owners list of properties; Family tree of A. Weinberger; Radios distributed Text of law to confiscate Jewish owned stores
Contest to obtain landed Jewish properties; List of Jewish radio owners; Jewish merchants listed; Housing allocations; Shortages derived from closing some Jewish stores; Appointment of store managers
Confiscation of leather and penalty applied; Confiscated furniture distribution; Restriction of items allowed into Ghetto; Report and arrest connected with reporting store closings
Lumber distribution to Levente organization; Store custodian appointed; Distribution of bicycles' Ordinance of closing Jew owned stores; Time table for leaving the territory of ghetto
Ordinance to transport confiscated assets to Budapest; Distribution of X-ray machine; Usage of physicians offices; List of some Jewish physicians in Sopron; Report of Jewish veterinarians and pharmacists; Reporting dogs owned by Jews; Request for dogs.
Trade licenses revoked; Report of assets mishandled; need of inventory of perishables; Rawhide confiscated; Usage of Jews in the ghetto for agriculture; 165 Jews listed in Sopron; Brick factory manager appointment requested.
Storage of valuable Jewish assets; Approval of exemption for some Jews; 165 Jewish merchants listed; Jews from labor camp to work in agriculture; Radio distributions.
Storage of Jewish assets; Inventory of household goods; Furniture distribution requests; Representation for converted Jews; All Jewish registers confiscated.
Requests for Jewish assets; Procedure to follow with sale of Jewish assets; Decree to inventory abandoned assets; Usage of medical materials; Disputed appointment of brick factory manager
Inventory of physicians' household goods; Survey of vacant residences; Rawhide and leather confiscated; Exempt Jews; Stores requested.
Usage of perishable merchandise; Germans request Jewish store locations; Sale of abandoned animals; List of buildings owned by Jews(360); Teachers inventory Jewish assets
Confiscation of radios and list of former owners; Perishable merchandise; Inventory of Jewish assets; Manager appointed; Request for and distribution of Jewish stores and plants.
Requests for mineral oil; Books and artifacts owned by Jews; Sale of confiscated assets; Distribution of household items
Illegal usage of confiscated Jewish assets; Distributions to air raid victims; Sale of Jewish assets; List of confiscated perishables; Inventory of confiscated artifacts transferred to museums
Requisition of Jewish stores by German Command; Minutes about confiscated radios; Lumber requisitions; Inventory of confiscated Jewish assets; Pricing and sale of assets; Lodging refugees in closed Jewish stores;
Usage of Jewish stores by Arrow Party; Compensation to Aryans evacuated from territory of ghetto; Storage of assets; German military usage of lumberyards; Committee for sale of assets; Food found in ghetto sold.
Orders connected with food shortages; Confiscated textile distributed to factories; Personnel for city fortification; Persons compensated for ghetto organization
Public authorities as beneficiaries of clothing left from Jews; Sale of merchandise from Jewish stores to refugees; Snow removal
Sale of bicycles and typewriters; Expenses to move Jews into ghetto; Removal of store signs; air raid victims requesting stores and printing plants; List of sold items; Usage of locations by German military
Storage of medical and pharmaceutical materials; Leather goods and furs; Radios to German Military; Hungarian Military requests supplies and furniture; Removal of ghetto fence and signs of Jewish physicians
Laborers in agricultural jobs; Requests for and list of household items to be distributed.
Union of Hungarian Christian Jews; Warrant for escaped Jews Report of landed properties; Dissolution of Zionist Organization
List of Jews with gun permits; proper display of yellow star; Halting deportation of homeless Jews; Ban on travel; Assets confiscated and dissolution of Jewish organization
Reporting number of Jews for ghetto and food supplies; Proof of Aryan origin requested from public employees; Retirement of veterinarian; Usage of real estate properties by local services; List of Jewish merchants and their assets.
Medical and dental equipment requested; Confiscation of silo disputed; Distribution of assets to the needy
Report of Jewish owners in dairy industry; Sale and storage of assets; Salt distribution; Denial of citizenship; Jewish assets used by the military; Typewriters distributed.
Jewish students enrollment banned; Proof of origin requested from teachers; Post office workers dismissed; Telephone line removed; telegrams delayed; Various correspondence of post offices; Radio permits revoked; List of some radio subscribers.
Handling packages and mail sent to Jews; Book authored by Jews removed; Usage of building owned by Jews
Demands for telephone fees; Disputing disconnection of telephone lines; Bicycles requested; Trade licenses revoked; Telephone lines dismantled
Returning shipments sent to Jews; Deposit of unredeemed money orders ;Radios confiscated; Suspended services in ghetto. Telephone lines transferred to Aryans
Revoked real estate licenses; Disputed war-aid; Collection of articles left from Jews; Sales of real estate properties; Agricultural and public health report; Removal of Jewish physicians and pharmacists
Landed properties confiscated; Distribution of real estate properties; Forest husbandry employees; Levente activities; Hatred pamphlets and their confiscation; Usage of landed properties under 5 acres
Exempt Jews; Physicians in public service and health reports; Price hiking and prosecution; Store closings on holidays; Wine merchant equipment sale
Pharmacists and veterinarians in labor camp; Criminal activities Curfew for Jews; Jewish stores closed and sealed
Decree for store closings; Illegal merchandise transfer; Problems caused by store closings; Establishments serving public interest; Usage of perishable merchandise; Deposit of sales' proceeds
Jewish merchants listed; List of Jewish owners in dairy industry; Instruction to sell Jewish assets and equipment; Revoked weapon licenses - sale and handling; List of weapons and their Jewish owners
Proper display of Jewish star and arrests; Some exemption from persecution terminated; Police raid to discover illegal Jewish aliens; Arrest of non-citizen Jews; Ban on travel
Amnesty to non-Jew criminals; Dissolving Jewish organizations with asset confiscation; Pharmacists ordered to work in designated areas
Lumberyards confiscated; Reporting number of Jews living Pharmacy license revoked; Exemption requests
Usage of evacuated residences; Hidden Jewish assets; Termination of public functions; Ghetto organization; Placement of Jews in ghetto
Ban on employment of Aryans by Jews; Request to be exempt from deportation; Veterinarians in public service; Need of physicians in ghetto
Physicians offices requested; Request for internment; Jews requested for agricultural work
Lumberyard management; Requesting population to fight against Bolshevism Arrests in Paks; Jews needed to manage factory; Complaint against town clerk; Placing Mrs. Burgner into ghetto
Dissolution of Jewish organizations; Appeal for moving; Shortage of physicians; Public health in ghetto; Schools request removal of military units
Jewish workers requested in military plants; Hidden Jewish assets; Hunting licenses revoked; Jewish workers requested in agriculture; Requests for residences; Physicians in labor camps ordered for service
Arrest of Mrs. Podgorsek; Exemption of Wiedermann; List of Jewish physicians; List of Jews who illegally transferred assets; Law banning inter- marriages; Dairy plant manager appointed
Sale of assets; Termination of forest husbandry and private rail roads; Quarry owned by Jews; Distribution of medical equipment and tools; Ghetto organization expenses; Sale of Jewish assets
Children from mixed marriages; Blocking all confiscated Jewish assets; Removal of Jews from public service; Usage of Jewish owned storage facilities.
Distribution of store equipment; Foreclosure for tax arrears; Store closings reported; Jewish residences occupied by German troops; Sale of perishables
Illegal merchandise transfer; War bonds; Housing requests; Household inventories; Proof of origin for physicians
Department store inventory; Summons for Steiner; Lumberyard inventory; Requests for stores and housing; Rabbits sales; German troops in Jewish residences
Air raid defense and supplies; Evacuated residences requested; Guardians appointed for handling assets; Rental contracts.
Apartments for guardians; Jews excluded from school for teachers; Air raid instructions; Jewish workers in factories
Requests for radios; Arrears; Ban on employment for intellectual jobs; Revoking trade licenses
Land appropriations; Ban on forestry employment; radio confiscations; Enemy activities reported; Street name changes; Requests for medical and pharmaceutical materials;
Disputed radio confiscation; Housing for Post Offices; Housing for Postmaster; Termination of telephone lines disputed; Household items distribution with inventory
Radios requested; Remuneration of postal supervisors.
Guardian appointed for estate; Assets listed; Weiner placed into asylum
Rental of thrasher; Custodian appointed to handle assets; List of Jews deported; Estate of various persons
Adoption of minor approved; Court documents re: the Faludi family; Knitting factory correspondence; Radios requested; Unpaid bills of absent Jews
Jewish factory workers; Documentation of origin. Ban on Jewish ownership; Shares and dividends expropriated
Reporting Jewish employees; ID-s for Jewish workers; Lowinger's shares in sugar refinery; Lowinger's insurance bonds
Categories of factory workers; Sugar industry trade licenses; List of directors and board members
Proof of Aryan origin for sugar factory employees; Documentation for licenses; Questionnaires for brokers; IDs for employers
List of sales personnel; Documentation of Aryan origin; Sugar sales during 1942-43; Brokers' commissions; Jewish brokers restricted; Brokers' proof of Aryan origin.
Engagement of sales brokers; Miksa Korein's exemption; Some exemptions of Jewish brokers.
Documents in post war era re: patients from labor or concentration camps hospitalized and some death notes
Documentation of employees origin; Employment regulations in war effort factories; Restrictions for Jewish labor camps; Food for Aryan workers only; Dismissal of Jewish intellectual workers.
Jewish shareholders; Minutes of meeting in post-war era; Dismissed Jewish employees; Residences in ghetto's territory and repair expenses; Divorce proceedings from Jewish spouse
Reporting employee problems; Termination of Jewish employment
Ban on employment; Radio confiscated, telephone lines restricted; Letters and parcels undelivered; Jewish owned building for postal services.
Receipts for valuables; Jewish assets in safes deposited to Treasury Dept.; Vault key transfers; List of expropriated stocks
List of expropriated bonds and stocks; Deposit of safes' contents; Unpaid debts; Disputed ownership
Usage of Jewish real estate properties; Asset reports request; List of Jews without assets; Registration of Jews; Store confiscations; Store owners list
Release of some merchandise; Appointment of Aryan managers; Text of decree for asset confiscations; Sales of perishables
Damaged equipment sale; Inventory of perishables; Radio distribution; Storage of confiscated valuables
Organizing ghetto; Restriction of bath usage Work permits banned; Tax audit of Jewish stores; Radio requests
Union of Hungarian Jews; Boy scouts using Jewish owned home; Request for personal belongings by Krausz; Request to move back to ghetto's territory; Landed property distributions
Sale of land under 5 acres; Property expropriation by the Union of Public Welfare; Pawn shop tickets confiscated
Hardware store inventory; Asset inventory taken by military; Deposit of sales proceeds
Handling instructions for asset distribution; Reporting Jewish industrialists; Textile sale suspended
Revoked trade licenses; Apiary distribution; Private rail roads; List of beneficiaries of land distribution; Land distribution dispute
Store distributions; Household item distributions; Usage of evacuated residences; Sale announcement; Reported weapons confiscated; Deposit of sale proceeds
Decree for surveillance of Jews and placing them into Ghetto; Confiscated residences; Ban on jobs in public service; Jewish assets reported; Weaponry permits revoked; Curtailed activities in industry and commerce
Travel restrictions; Prohibited usage of public bath; Report of transfer to ghetto; Acquisition of real estate properties; List of evacuated residences; Jewish Organization pamphlet; Dissolving organizations; Administration documents of Chevra Kadisha.
Control of wearing the Jewish star and internments; List of usage of evacuated residences; Sale of perishables; Appointment of Committee members
Inventory of confiscated medical equipment and materials; Handling confiscated radios; List of Jews in smaller communities; Reduced food rations; Complaints recorded by the police; Transfers to ghetto in Mindszent.
Requests for confiscated items; Ban on travel; Raid to capture hiding foreigners; Internments; Private railroad permits cancelled; Asset requests by German troops.
List and transfer of land ownership; Asset requests by German Military Units; Illegal removal of confiscated art; Usage of evacuated residences; Persecution exemption requested; Jews in agriculture
Reporting foreign Jews or Jews with dubious citizenship.
Usage of evacuated residences; Revoked trade licenses; Manager appointments; Bakery inventory; War aid; Trade licenses requested; Lajos Steiner, offender.
Managers appointed; Print shop closing; Dissolution of Jewish organizations; Appointment of guardians for assets handling; Proof of origins requested; Jewish Registrar confiscated; Inventory of Jewish residences.
Residences used for confiscated furniture; Auctions; Dairy reorganization; Radio distribution; Sales proceeds deposited; Odon Pajor's assets stored; Request for furniture
Housing requests; Guardians appointed; Request for confiscated stores; Industries owned by Jews reported; Mrs. Erdos Nandor's baking plant.
Industrial permits revoked; Household items requested; Managers appointed to Jewish establishments; Debt collection from deported Jews.
Requests for furniture transport; Requests for gardening supplies; List of some expropriated properties; Heating materials distributed.
Jewish asset distribution to refugees; Tax arrears of deported Jews; Erdos baking plant's inventory; Merchandise in lumberyard; War aid; Closing of industrial facilities; List of war victims' families.
Appointment of guardians; Accounting for assets; Guardian replacement; Air raid shelters' inventory; Confiscated coal usage
Appointment of guardians for confiscated assets; Accounting; List of real estate properties expropriated; Sandor Spitzer working outside ghetto; Aryans evacuated from ghetto's area; Requests for residences
Illegal pamphlets; Flour rations during Passover; Service for air raid safety and assigning physicians; Landed property usage; Tax arrears from Jewish owned commerce.
Sequestration of lumber stocks and equipment; Locating illegally residing foreign Jews; Rules to follow in handling radio confiscation from Jews
Reporting number of Jews; Exemption request; Public Services requesting Jewish assets; Travel permits; War aids; Appointment of guardians to industry and commerce.
Sale of confiscated merchandise; List of closed enterprises; List of needed reopening; Request for sale of confiscated clothing; Medical equipment inventory; Requests for residences.
Dogs given to Gendarmes; Levente organization receiving real estate properties; Jewish workers from ghetto requested for various jobs; Housing requests; Storage of confiscated assets
Shopping time restrictions; Keeping pigs formerly owned by Jews; Ice distributed; List of Jewish home owners
Housing distribution; Jewish residences used by public services; Sale of confiscated perishables; Storage of walnuts; Usage of confiscated stores by bombing victims
Transport of confiscated items; Jewish Registrar removed; Revoked hunting permits; War aid revision; Storage of confiscated assets; Sales' proceeds deposited; Decree applicable to mixed marriages; Inventory in ghetto for items left after evacuation
Guardians appointed for asset handling; Sale and deposit of proceeds from produce; Sales suspended for certain items; Report requested for Jewish owned real estate properties; Expense reimbursement requested
Distributions of confiscated assets to the needy; Handling and sale of animals; Household items to bombing victims; Jewish industry owners; Misdemeanor in public health; Housing requests; Surveillance of ghetto; Funds requested for house repair
Lumberyard taken by the German military; Guardians appointed for assets handling; Storages sealed; List of Jewish store owners; Housing requests; Household items distributed; Radio distribution; Tax arrears; Residences used by Gendarmes
Household goods distribution; Return of confiscated clothing requested; Law practice terminated; Illegally removed objects from Ghetto; Items left by Jews released to Russian command
Fund collection to aid Jews in labor camp; Draft of Jews to labor camp; Lumberyard stocks blocked; Jewish Congregation dissolved by German SS; Representative of Jewish Council; Exemption from persecution requested
Control of displaying the yellow star; Request for exemption with documentation; Jews banned from public service; Proof of Aryan origin requested; List of merchandise distributed to German Commando; Books removed from libraries
Jewish organizations dissolved; Jews from labor camp employed in public works; Usage of synagogues; Revoked hunting permits; Orsolya school requests Jewish owned building; Transport cost to ghetto paid
Financing the institution to research the 'Jewish problem'; Proof of Aryan origin requested; Usage by the city of real estate properties; School used by military; German troops using Jewish residences
Usage of abandoned bakeries; Evacuated buildings used by German Military; Household goods distributed; Disputed usage of Jewish assets; Disputed usage of assets; Military occupies brick factory; Jews from labor camp in public work; Safeguarding certain books
Custodians handling assets in post-war era; Jewish Union founded; Post-war era statistics; Enrollment restrictions in schools; Text of law of persecution.
Expropriation of field and forestry and real estate properties with equipment; Handling instructions for expropriated land; Typewriters distributed; Land confiscation; Court decisions in ownership dispute
Art collections: receipts, listings; Circular and handling instructions for expropriated Jewish assets; Rare book collection confiscated
Art collections: disputes, discovery, reports, correspondence and some inventories of art objects and valuable furnishings.
Library expropriation; Government deputies reporting art objects collected and inventories
Art object collections: inventories, disputes; Expropriation of entire library; Paintings transferred by Luftwaffe
Books and art objects expropriated; Safe deposits in banks opened
Estates and castles listed; African and Asian art collections; Storage problems
Art collections: receipts. Appeal by Museum from Cluj to retain collections expropriated. Appointment of government agents
Art and valuable book collections: expropriation, listings, handling instructions, transfer to local museums; Hidden artifacts
Art collections: correspondence and reports, inventories; Damages by bombardments
Art collections: lists, paintings and books, handling instructions; Usage of teachers for inventories; Artifacts auctioned
Art collections: lists, (minerals, violins, books); Appointments of officials and correspondence; Handling instructions.
Art collections: inventories, storage of silver box, paintings shipped to Germany. Disputed ownership; Reports and correspondence
Art collections: inventories (hundreds of items), improper storage, hidden artifacts; Rugs auctioned; Preservation efforts
Art collections: lists by categories, inventories; Artifact transfer to various museums.
Art collections: paintings, books and furniture inventoried and transferred to Budapest; Minutes prepared re: transfer of most valuable pieces
Art collections: storage and transfer to museums in the capital; Collections found by the Military Command. Transport by automobiles
Art collections: Appointment of commissioners, preservation problems, inventories; Local authorities request collections
Art collections: disputed book collection, artifact transfers; Antique Torahs, inventories, damages by bombardments
Art Collections: Receipts for jewelry, books and antique furniture; Castles and manors reported; Perlmutter paintings
Transfer of 'Balaton Collection'; Inventory of collected paintings from Baja; List of painting from Szeged Museum; List of paintings collected from Ungvar; Rugs and silver from Kecskemet transferred; Commissioners reports
Art collections: Reports by Commissioners; List of books and artifacts from Fleischl; Complete list of books stored at Lendvay Street, Budapest; Dr. Stein requesting exemption; List of paintings collected in Budapest, Hajduboszormeny, Tata
Confiscated collection of musical instruments and artifacts from some affluent Jews
H. Friedmann delegated to take inventory of artifacts; List of collections; Reporting valuable collections from residences in Gyor area. Appointments and resignations of some commissioners
Bookbinding equipment from Sandor Roth; Commissioners activities in evacuated ghettos; Collection of Erwin Hecht; Artifact transfer to Budapest Museum; Religious objects from Nagykanizsa.
Ceramics from Dr. I Stern; Sopron library requests books; Expense reports for handling collections; Storage of artifacts in Szabadka; J. Engel's collection transferred to Museum
Artifacts of Andras Novak; Transferred artifacts to Military Museum; Expense report; Collections from Oradea; Commissioners appointed; Inventory and transfer of collections from Baroness Hatvany; List of collected rifles
Collection list from Baja and Zombor area. Artifacts stored in castle on Vamosbatog; Commissioners reports; Books from Zionist organization in Szeged; Musical instruments transferred to Budapest; Collection from Hodmezovassarhely listed
Expense reports; 4000 books collected from Z. Kallos; Dobays demanding return of their artifacts; Library in Des requesting books; Expenses for moving artifacts
Transfer of library from A. Lakatos; Inventory of Sandor Sajo's collections; Painting transfer to Art Museum; Collection report from Sopron Ghetto; Collections in Szombathely; Disputed collections from Baron F. Hatvany
Auctions proposed; Collections in Gyor reported; Artifacts of J. Pecsi transferred; Disputed artifacts of Irene Csetei Herzog; Artifacts of M.Boros transported
Inventory of collections from Budapest transferred to Museum; Illegal removal of artifacts from residences; Illegal deportation of scientist L Fejer and burning manuscript; Collections in Gyor; List of artifacts in Herzog palace
List of Herzog's artifacts and transfer; Collections in Baja
Appointment of I. Thurn; Housing requests; Firearm licenses; Store closing disputed
Firearm licenses revoked; Weapon owners' list; Illegal possession of firearms; Weapons confiscated; Trade license request; Kornfeld industries expropriated
Rifle license dispute; Store closing on Saturdays; Revoking firearm permits and list of owners; Investigation of Jeno Weisz; Rifles owned by Baron Mor Kornfeld.
Trade license applications; Requests for housing; Handling Jews in police custody; Request to correct religion on birth certificate; Land management restrictions; Illegal firearm possession.
Rations for cooking fat; Returned ration ticket from labor camp workers; Merchandise transfer. Certificate of poverty; Application for land distribution
Request for birth certificate modification; Applications for travel permits; Radio distribution; Request for construction materials.
Books confiscated from Jewish schools; Expropriated building repaired; Jewish Teachers Union disbanded; Hunting lease permit revoked; Fund deposit obtained from Jewish assets; Ban on transmission of messages; Children transferred to ghetto
Remuneration for taking inventories; List of evacuated Jewish homes; Sale of merchandise and equipment; Storage cost; Pig owned by S.Schwartz; Housing requests; Illegally occupied residences
Sale of merchandise and equipment; German troops in Dunafoldvar; Rules set for sale of Jewish assets; A. Fisher's criminal activities; Field and forest husbandry terminated; Refugees from Eastern borders
Jews placed into ghetto; sale of perishables; General rules for evacuation; Jewish men in labor camps,18thcentury civil records of Jews in Latin
Land distribution procedures; Sequestration of Jewish assets; Problem of evacuated stores and homes; Merchandise blocked in Jewish stores; List of closed stores; Radios confiscated; List of some residences
Assets of deported Jews; Prohibiting Jews from air raid defense activities; Bread and sugar rations; Managers appointed for industrial entities; Public services using Jewish assets; Hunting permits withdrawn; Accusation of misdemeanor.
Police surveillance; Jewish Civil Registers ceded; Sale and maintenance of animals; Minor's assets; Sale of merchandise and other assets left from Jews; German troops housing; Public sale of Jewish assets
Handling Jewish assets; List of real estate properties expropriated; Handling assets left from evacuated Jews; Records of Jews at forced labor; Expropriation and distribution of land; List of Jews in area; Penalties for helping Jews; Reporting Jewish assets
List of Jews residing in Tolna and store owners; List of Jewish organizations; Radios confiscated; Instructions for moving to ghetto; handling assets left from Jews; Manager appointment; Sesame oil distribution; Moving expenses reimbursement; Aryans working for Jews
Disputed shipments; Valuables in evacuated ghetto; Deposit of sale proceeds; Household goods storage; Request for store and equipment; Thrashing machine confiscated; Sale of perishables; Manager appointed; Physicians street signs removed; List of Jewish owned industrial facilities
Jewish assets to the Military; Aryan managers appointed in Pacsa; Expropriated merchandise distribution; Confiscated medical tools listed; Jewish population survey.
Ordinance for ghetto; List of Jews in rural areas; Designated areas for ghetto; Formation of Jewish Committee; J. Reich exempted; Storage of confiscated assets; Guardians of expropriated Jewish assets; List of Jews in Pacsa
Rules for ghetto; Deposit of funds from sale; Leaders of Jewish Committee; Ghetto mail; Exit permits from ghetto; List of exempt Jews; Proof of origin requests; Nationalized real estate properties reported; Appointments for executing sales
Request to support Jewish committees; Expropriated land request; Usage of real estate properties; Handling committee of real estate properties; Radio distribution; Land expropriation; Pharmacy requested; Land requests; Exemption from labor camp requested
Arrest by SS. Travel restrictions; Merchandise distribution rules; Military service exemptions; Ban on public service; Jewish organizations suspended; Area designation for ghetto; Proof of origin of physicians; Disciplinary infractions; Students in national defense.
Accusation of 2 Jews, Reporting Jewish sympathizers; Retiring Jewish officials; Residence requested; Expropriated mill requested; Rules to handle Jewish assets; Isolation expenses; Radio distribution; Housing and stores requested
Store requested; Accusation of escape; Household items requested; Count Teleky's correspondence; Maintenance problems; Exempt Jews accused; Housing request; Knitting factory ownership disputed
Evacuated homes requested; Merchandise and equipment sale; Stores needed to be open; Sale of merchandise by appointed managers; List of stores and inventory for baby supplies
Committee to sell merchandise; Radio distribution; Collection, sale and distribution of clothing; Handling instructions; Usage of clothing left by Jews; Distribution list; Deposit of sale proceeds; Inventory and transfer of household items.
Transfer of valuables to local authorities; Jewish asset distribution list; Accused physicians; Usage of agricultural properties; Disciplinary action; Request to curtail free passes; Distributions for refugees.
Handling instructions for expropriated assets; Punishment suggested for illegal usage ; List of transferred stors; List of claimants for Jewish stores.
Requisitions by the military; Housing requests; Sales and proceeds reported; List of assets transferred to local authorities; Internment of 8 Jews requested; Accounting for sale proceeds; List of valuables taken by the police in custody
Store and equipment distribution; Transport requested for confiscated Jewish assets; Jewish organizations suspended; Stores and housing requests; Ban on public service employment; Firearm permits revoked; Jewish land distributed
Display of yellow star; Accusation of hiding merchandise; Approval needed to arrest Jews; Mrs. Fisher in ghetto; Jewish stores requested.
Radios confiscated; Radios and typewriters distributed; Assets illegally hidden; Fence around ghetto; Livestock expropriated; Foreign citizenship; Handling assets of evacuated Jews; Store and residency requests; Medical officer replaced
Abandoned household animals; manager appointments; Bicycles, typewriters, housing requested; Storing expropriated assets; Exit from ghetto requested; List of industrial establishments; Asset hiding investigated; Proof of origin requested.
Travel restrictions; Physicians office usage; Auto parts usage; Usage of abandoned synagogues; Usage of stores by public services; Stores and housing requests; Jewish organizations suspended; Exempt Jews placed into ghetto; Usage of storage facilities; Fund from sales deposited; List of store with appointed managers.
Wages for handling Jewish assets; Investigation of illegally acquired assets; Requests for: bicycles, typewriters, radios; Parts auctioned; Instructions to obtain real estate properties; Investigation of illegally removed assets; Reporting industrial facilities; Requests for housing.
Industrial railroads; Business permits withdrawn; Arrest for asset hiding; Requests for housing and stores; Manager appointments; Suspending Jewish organizations; Physicians in labor camps listed; Expense reports; Ban on employment of maids in Jewish households;
Water usage permits; German troop placement; Household assets auctioned; Fraudulent pricing of textiles; List of stores and housing requested; Physician from labor camp delegated; Fraudulent handling of merchandise; Military involvement in sale of merchandise.
List of Jewish workers from ghetto; Abandoned homes and stores; Livestock reported; Funds from sales deposited; Suspended Jewish organizations; Civil Records; Distributions to the needy; List of Jewish landowners; Produce from abandoned gardens; Expropriation of medical materials.
Rules for distribution of assets; Maintenance and marketing of livestock; Building materials released to German troops; Manager in lumberyard; Heating material inventory; List of merchants in Tolna; Textile store manager appointed; Requests for goods by Transylvanian refugees.
Household items distribution to the Military and needy; Appointments of Jewish representation; List of Jews to place into ghetto; Labor contract; Inventory of assets of M. Stern released.
List of household assets released; Merchandise inventory; List of Jewish owned stores; Shopping agents for ghetto listed; List of merchants in Tamasi; Abandoned stores and residences; Storage facilities requested.
Usage of perishables; Sale of Heisler' animals; Reporting Jews in Tamasi; Sugar and bread rations; Milk supply restrictions; Diary of food ration tickets; List of food restrictions in ghetto; Alimentation in ghetto; List of Jews in Tamasi and surrounding areas.
Alimentation of 210 Jews in ghetto; Landesmann's expropriated landed property; Ban on Jewish ownership; List of Jewish owners in Tamasi; permit for sale of alcohol and hunting revoked; War aid requested.
Tax assessments for Jews in Tamasi; Appointments for guardians of Jewish assets; Decree for expropriation of equipment, land and animals; Ordinance for record keeping; Dr. Kabos' documents; Storehouse requested; Instructions for inventory of assets transferred to military.
Sequestration ordinance for stores, merchandise and equipment; List of merchants; Rented property sequestration; Dissolution of Jewish organizations; Requests for stores and housing.
Building material restrictions; Brick and roofing material production; Requests for stores, merchandise and housing; Deficiencies found in F. Roth's restaurant.
Employment regulations; Investigation of hiding of assets; Exemptions disputed; Accusation of hiding artifacts; Disputed exemptions; Skilled workers requested from ghetto.
List of Jews; List of designated ghetto areas; Appointing representative for Jews in ghetto; Rules of conduct in ghetto; Housing statistics; List of houses designated for ghetto; Transporting Jews to ghetto.
Travel restrictions and penalties; Housing for physicians; Requests for housing; Warning to Aryans who help Jews; Requests for assets and stores expropriated; Requests for items left in residences;.
Requests for housing and stores; Usage of and proposed demolishing of synagogues; Fund deposits; Investigation of hidden assets; Usage of silos; Valuables collected by Gendarmes; Reporting hidden silver and cooking fat.
Housing, storage and other objects requested; Investigating suspicious contract; Usage of law office; Investigation of hidden valuables; Physicians street signs removed; Expropriating and closing industrial facilities (list); Hidden valuables in residences.
Usage of expropriated real estate properties by public services; Usage of expropriated building as resort; Requests for housing, stores and industry; Usage of confiscated industrial railroads; Restrictions in industry and license withdrawals;
Store and housing requests; Reporting confiscated commercial companies; List of store owners; Merchandise and equipment sale; Internment of refugees; Terminating field and forest husbandry by Jews; Firearm license revoked and list of owners.
Ordinance of asset expropriation; Instructions for handling and storing confiscated assets in evacuated residences; Safe keeping; Sale of assets; Radio distribution.
Confiscation of Registers of personal data from Jewish organizations; Assets confiscated from Jews; Ending Jewish employment in public services.
Travel restrictions; Confiscated radios
List of Industrialists; Police surveillance; List of exempt persons; Accusations; Reporting industrial rail roads; Usage of coaches; Sales proceeds deposit.
Storage of medical materials; Conservation of assets; Firearms confiscation; Real property usage; Distribution of confiscated instruments; Arrest; Sales proceeds deposited; Dairy confiscated.
Closing of stores owned by Jews; Orders for house searches of Jewish merchants
Closing of stores owned by Jews; Orders for house searches of Jewish merchants
Plans and instructions for inventories and sale of assets; Need for storage; Stores requested; Suspended distribution of assets; Distribution to war victims; Ban on public employment.
Ban on employment of Aryans by Jews; Instructions to report assets and sequestration; Revoked firearm permits; Criminal offense to help Jews; Instruments distribution to local authorities; Requests for proof of origin.
Balazs and Korsin's assets inventoried; Heating fuel distribution; Real property and storage facilities used by local communities; Appointment of custodians; Handling railroads and tracks; Field and forest husbandry.
Funds from sales deposited; Ban on employment in public services; Office supply purchase; Confiscation of various instruments; Proof of origin; Ghetto organization; Merchandise release; Securing production; Assets protection.
Employee remuneration; Auto parts and materials; Payment for handling assets; Request for land usage; Nationalization of real estate properties; Sale of Klein's property; Usage of Gyorfi's property; Equipment and materials confiscated; Land and clothing distribution.
Flour for Passover; Food supply for Jews; Bread and sugar rations; Proof of origin of spouses; Fund usage from sales proceeds; Furniture distribution; Locking and sealing stores; Re-opening some stores.
Illegal merchandise transfer; Custodians appointed; Decree and handling instructions for confiscated assets; Areas designated for ghetto; Assets left behind; Custodians appointed for handling assets and remuneration; Housing requests.
Handling merchandise in closed stores; Guardians appointed; Real property distribution; Sale of merchandise; Detailed inventories of assets left in evacuated residences.
Ban on Jewish employment; Students of Academy of music; Proof of origin; Elimination of works by Jewish composers; Requests for musical instruments and radios; Confiscated musical instruments found in post-war era; Musical note books of I. Vermes
Returned Jewish musical instruments
Requests for store locations; Custodians appointed; Atrocities and plundering reported; Brick factory inventory and manager; Release of funds from brick factory; Housing and store location requests; Disputed exemptions.
Housing requests; Confiscated machinery distribution; Stores transferred to Aryans; Investigation of theft; List of stores sold; Equipment and merchandise sale; Locking Jewish stores.
Stores sequestrated; Managers appointed; Restrictions in commercial activities; Merchandise inventory and list of merchants; Collection of objects left after evacuation; List of 20 merchants; Requisition of real property; Housing request
Search for foreign citizen Jews; Handling expropriated land; Inspecting proper display of yellow star; Reporting data and activity of Jewish commerce; Usage of real estate properties; Sugar stock deficit reported; Radio confiscation; Sugar ration distribution; Lumber yard manager appointed.
Ordinance to place Jews into ghetto; Work restrictions on land and for outside ghetto; Real property expropriation; List of Jewish land owners; Food rations in internment camps; Safe keeping of confiscated assets; Real property usage.
Storing Jewish assets; Hunting permit revoked; Land distribution; Books by Jewish authors transferred to stamp mills; Record of population organized; Sale of perishables; Wine cellar of S. Erdos.
Lumber yard and brick factory managers appointed; Housing for Levente organization requested; Decree for sequestration of all Jewish assets; Treasury Dept. designated for take-over of Jewish assets.
List of Jews in Gyonk; Print shop and store managers appointed; Procedure for handling expropriated raw hide; Engel's store inventory; Stores requested by Aryans; Usage of residences by public services; Revoked hunting permits.
Flour supply for Passover; List of car owners in Bata; Food ration tickets; Lumber sequestration; Search for illegal Jewish residents; Report of asset sequestration; Closing of Jewish owned stores; Office supply purchase; Request for war-aid; Radios confiscated; Removal of air-raid defense commander.
Organization of ghettos; Lumber yard manager appointed; Reporting Jewish workers; Regulations for sugar rations; Managers appointed in industry; Sugar and bread rations and distribution list; Rules of conduct outside ghetto; Usage of confiscated real estate properties.
Household inventory after evacuation; Civil status records transferred; Sale of produce and household animals; Reporting thrashers; Sale of perishables; Real property distribution; Sale of merchandise from closed stores.
Distribution of heating materials; Storage of household items; Confiscated radios; German troops in evacuated residences; Appointing Dept. of Treasury to handle all Jewish assets after evacuation; Appointment of guardians.
Jewish organizations dissolved; Firearm permits revoked; Proper display of yellow star; Raids to search foreign Jews; Using Jewish physicians for public services; Collection of electric usage cost; Suicide by Dr. I Lukacs; Office supply.
Regulations for ration distributions; Distribution of confiscated instruments; Dismissal from public employment; Proof of origin requested; List of Jewish public employees; Report of sequestrated Jewish assets; Store closings; Distribution of clothing left by Jews; Request by Dr. I. Kardos; Castles owned by Jews.
Jews under police surveillance; Dissolution of Jewish organizations; Request to release Dr.I. Torok from internment camp; Store distributions to veterans; Confiscation of postal shipments; Number of Jews living in ghetto from Szabolcs region; Reduced food supplies in ghetto.
Internment for illegal cash payment; Usage of evacuated residences; German troops occupying illegally Jewish residences; Usage of real estate properties by public services; Rental procedures; Instructions how to distribute real estate properties.
Food collected after evacuation; Food supply in ghetto and internment camps; Appointment of Jewish administrative committee; Pharmacist requesting residential permit; Books by Jewish authors removed; Ordinance and instructions to handle Jewish assets after evacuation; Designation of storage locations; Furniture requests.
Rules to handle left over assets after evacuation; List of expropriated homes; Usage of residences; Deposit of funds from sales proceeds; Accounting for funds deriving from sale of animals and perishables; Established sales procedures; Radio distribution instructions.
Moving request; German troops in Jewish residences; Restriction of business activities; Accusations of theft; Regulations for foreign Jewish citizens; Removal of stored furniture requested.
Usage of residences by German troops; Usage of construction materials from demolished synagogues; Internments for hiding Jewish assets; Disbanding Jewish organizations; Hunting licenses revoked; Permit to transport body of executed M. Weinberger; Inventory and confiscation of all medical equipment and materials; Store manager.
Manager appointed for agricultural property; Gendarmes accused of illegal sale; List of goods sold; Appointing guardians to oversee managers; Illegal possession by German Luftwaffe of Jewish assets; Revoked permits for industrial railroads; Accusations of theft of assets while taking inventory.
Disputed Aryan origin; Handling instructions for distributing assets to German troops; Appointment of commissioner to handle Jewish assets; Sale of assets.
Report of moving Jews to ghetto; Monthly agricultural report; Shortage of teachers; removal of books written by Jews; Land expropriation decree.
Radio distribution; Collecting personal data of Jews with list; Construction lumber expropriated and distribution requested; Disputed distribution; Sale of Jewish assets; Flour and bread supply for Jews; Collection of left over food; Transit camps.
Registration of Jewish population; Moving restrictions; Ghetto area designated; Exemption requests; Bicycles and typewriter distributions; List of men from camp; Trades men exit from ghetto; Help requested by Jewish Committee; Attorneys exclusion from BAR Association.
Left over food transferred to Red Cross; Funds request by Committee; Jews working in vineyards; Ghetto alimentation; Storage of highly valued items; Telephones dismounted; Request of moving by elderly Jew.
Bicycle request; Bank safe keys collected; Storage place requested; Organizing and safekeeping objects left by Jews; Usage of property owned by Silberstein; Medical equipment sequestration; Hunting permits; Reporting typewriters and bicycles.
Accusation of theft of household assets; Household item distributions; List and sale of food left by Jews; Sale of fodder; Asset transfer to Vitez organization; Storage locations designated; Food sale; Handling instructions for expropriated assets.
Appointment of listed teachers for taking inventory; Moving expense report; Distribution requests; Exemption for trade experts; Female body searchers; Problems in commercial transactions; Storage cart requests; Unsettled claims.
Tradesmen exit from ghetto; Ban on exiting ghetto; Orchard rental; Sales refused; Sale of poultry; Aryans claims for Jewish arrears; Horse sale; Request to remove assets from residence; S.Torok's piglets.
Dental technician work permit requested; Medical offices requested; Furniture usage; Proceeds of poultry sale; Assets requested by public services; Bicycle, typewriter distribution; Assets requested by public services; Bicycle, typewriter distribution; Note re: disappearance of Jews in labor camps; Facilities for pig fattening
Guardians appointment for law offices; Jewish property rental; Confiscation of valuables; Cash deposit for flour sale; Deposit of proceeds for cow sale; Orchard rental; Confiscated furniture storage; Civil Jewish registers confiscated.
Requests for assets expropriated from Jews
Listing of assets expropriated from Jews; Mayoral order and instruction to organize ghetto and transportation of Jews
Confiscated house animals; Inventory of confiscated household goods; Inventory of assets in building in Nyiregyhaza; Assets transferred by Jews to Aryans inventoried; Loan received by J. Weiszhaus; Lumberyard expropriated.
Teachers prepare list of expropriated Jewish assets; Inventory of household animals; Jewish residences distributed.
Distribution of household animals; Furniture inventory; Receipt for religious objects; List of Jews transported to ghetto.
List of Jews with trade permits; Chaos reported while moving Jews to ghetto; Sequestration ordinance for contents of Jewish stores; Sale of perishables; List of trade Commissionaires; Sale of damaged merchandise; Accusation against county clerk et al.
Sequestration of building materials; Stores and residences requested; Grocery store inventory; Request for releasing store; Mauthner demands payment for seeds; Store keys handed over to mayor.
Request to release tarpaulin; Receipts for sales proceeds; Demand for shoe manufacturing merchandise release; Request for manager appointment; Stores requested.
Paying wages to former employees; Stores requested; Military hospital certifications; Manager appointment requested; Medical supply distribution; Inventory in Blumberg's store
Stores expropriated from Jewish owners
Remuneration of former employees requested; Store distribution; Custodians appointed; Surrendering store keys; Request for closed stores; Inventory of store owned by Friedmanns an Furedi; Inventory in spice store
Store inventory; Request to return repaired items; Kreisler's store inventory; Request for stores; Request to become store managers; Inventory of household items in Prayer House; Store distributions; Accounting for store owned by Schwartz.
Post war request by Schwartz; Merchandise release requested; Witschaffer's documents; Release of pawnshop merchandise requested; Pawnshop manager; Accounting for pawnshops' income.
Store requested to be released; Appointment of managers; Housing requested; residences distributed and rental payments.
Inventory of medical items sequestrated; Hospitals' daily reports; Public health in ghetto; Report of typhoid fever.
Food ration tickets; Distribution of clothes; Real property debts; Dissolute organizations; Assets sequestration; Manager appointments; Usage of confiscated real estate; Textile distribution; Request to clarify various topics.
Flour rations; Lumber inventory; Radio confiscation; Merchandise sequestration; Listing number of Jews; Store closings; Ghetto organization; Meat and cooking fat supply; Handling of confiscated assets.
Food ration provisions; Manager appointments; Restrictions abused; Usage of real estate properties; Stores and residences sealed; Ban on hunting permits; Household animals reported; Sale of produce
Jews registered; Safe keeping of valuables; Utilization of thrashers; Sale of perishables; Store inventories; Sale of merchandise; Pamphlets confiscated; Safe keeping and sale of assets by Treasury Dept.
Sale of merchandise; Instructions for sale of assets; Distribution of clothes; Land distribution; List of residences; Sequestration ordinance; Control of star display; Reporting Jews in Kajdacs; Disbanding organizations; Stores in Kajdacs.
Air raid shelter commanders; Collection of radios; Store and merchandise sequestration; Designated areas for ghetto; Moving to ghetto; Lumber confiscated and manager appointments; Typewriters, bicycles requested; Civil Records confiscated; Police surveillance.
Alimentation in ghetto; Inventory preparation by Treasury Dept; Food ration tickets; Unauthorized exits from ghetto; Real property usage; Proof of origin requested; Storage for assets requested; Revoked hunting licenses; Reporting household animals.
Asset distribution instructions for the military; Asset transfer to regional treasury; Workers for packing requested; Thrasher utilization; Sale of perishables; Usage of evacuated houses; Placement of German troops; Residence request; Asset handling by Treasury Dept.
Assets sale; Field and forest husbandry; Salt distribution; Utilization of real estate properties; Handling confiscated radios
Land distribution; List of Jews; Employment bans; Store closings; Firearm permits withdrawn; Travel restriction instructions; Restriction for air-raid shelter command; Food rations; Confiscation of various items from Jews; Alimentation of Jewish factory workers.
Custodian appointment requested; Regulation to handle assets of Jews moved to ghetto; Food ration supplies; Deposit of sale proceeds; Storage facilities requested; Proof of origin requested; Perishable sales.
Confiscating Jewish Civil Register; Ban on employment; Proof of origin requested; Tax arrears removed; Ban on office supply purchasing; Land distribution; Opening stores prohibited; Jews removed from public service; Firearm permits revoked.
Ban on employment by Jews; Custodians appointed; Food rations; Asset sales; Food inventory; Ghetto organization; Inventory of assets left sale and deposit of sales proceeds;
Ban on office supply purchases; Ghetto organization; Police surveillance; Jewish homes reported; Managers appointed; Distribution of real estate properties; Requested proof of origin; Sale of confiscated wine; Exemption from ghetto.
Guardians for assets appointed; Veterans benefits revised; Inventory of confiscated animals and vineyard equipment; Trade permits revoked; Auction of confiscated wine; Inventory and expropriation of real estate properties; Guardian for assets handling appointed; Sale of wine; Sale of store merchandise.
Permit required from Jews to leave their residences; Internment of foreign citizens; Distribution of confiscated items; Ghetto organization instruction; List of stores with appointed managers; Evaluation of merchandise in closed stores.
Regulations of sale of merchandise from closed stores; Recipients of merchandise distributed listed; Moving Jews to ghetto and expenses; Land expropriation and distribution; Appointment of custodians; Distribution of household items; Mandatory store closing.
Radio confiscation; Food allotments for Jewish factory workers; Appointment of guardians of assets; Real property distributions; Arrears by Elek; Requested report of industrial rail roads; Residence distribution discussed; Sale of confiscated assets; Food ration tickets.
Trade permits revoked; Sale of store merchandise and equipment; Sale of household animals; Tax arrears cancelled; Field and forest husbandry terminated; Deposit of sale proceeds; Employment termination; Firearm permits revoked; Instruction to handle confiscated radios; Typewriter distribution.
Tax arrears cancelled; Request to report abandoned houses; Flour supply; Storage and safe keeping abandoned assets; Request to report Jewish owned landed properties; Ordinance to confiscate Jewish assets; Receipt for tangible assets distributed; Inventory of Geisler's assets.
Life stock sale; Sale of all assets left by Jews; Distribution of clothes; Food ration tickets; Food supply for prisons and internment camps; Decree to report sequestration of Jewish assets; Deposit of sale proceeds.
Proper handling of confiscated Jewish assets; Expropriated land sale; Deposit of sale proceeds; Requesting report of sale or storage of expropriated assets; Ordinance for sale of expropriated Jewish assets; Free distribution to refugees; Transfer of undistributed assets
Real property distribution; Food ration tickets; Alimentation of Jewish factory workers; Firearm and food collecting permits revoked; Ghetto organization; Cash confiscation; Real property distributions for public services; Collection and safekeeping of assets; Inventory of content of Elek's residency for transfer to Art museum
Evacuated residency distribution; Guardians for handling assets; Investigation for hidden assets; Bicycles transferred to Nagykanizsa; Salt sale; Decision to expropriate agricultural properties; Taxes on merchandise in closed stores; Ordinance for handling expropriated assets;
Arrest of S. Waldhauser; Trials and accusations for asset hiding; Managers appointed; Internment and deportation of foreign citizens; Control for Jewish star display; Requests for bicycles, typewriters; Requests and dispute for housing distribution; Investigation for illegal distribution of pamphlets; Housing requests
Store and residency requests; Accusations for hiding assets; Inventory of medical supply and equipment
Change of religion requested; Jewish Civil Register documents; Appointment of guardians requested; Household inventories; Usage of confiscated field and forests; Adoption documents; List of Jews in Szentgrot; Mosonyi's family history
Guardian appointments; Household inventories; Mrs. Steiner's bequest documents; Inventory and sale of items left in residences; Distribution of household items.
Inventory, sale and distribution of household items; Transfer of perishables; Inventory of store merchandise and transfer; List of residences in ghetto; Opening of Jeno Klein's store; List of 27 Jews in Csaktornya; List of evacuated residences.
Fire arm permits revoked; Ban on office supply purchase; Confiscation of various objects; Ghetto organization; Foreign citizens internment; Guardian appointments; Sale from stores suspended; Demolishing ordinance of Prayer House; Bequest documents; Guardian appointments by Orphan's Court.
Appointment documents by orphans Court; Inventory of high valued items; Decree to release certain items from closed stores; Ghetto in Keszthely organized; Rosenberg's merchandise released to the military; List of 92 Jewish residences; List of 400 Jewish merchants; Prager's household inventory.
Inventory preparation instructions; List of assets in some residences; List of Jewish stores needed to be reopened; List of confiscated precious metal items; List of Jewish tradesmen; List of stores with managers; List of evaluated merchandise in closed stores;
Stores with appointed managers and evaluated merchandise; Reopening 3 industrial facilities; Ban on employing Aryans by Jews; Text of ordinance for persecution of Jews; Travel restrictions; Restriction in pharmaceutical permits; Firearms permits revoked;
Various bans and restrictions; Suspension of permits for commercial use of water; Revision of exemption decrees; Reducing time allowed for shopping; Decree for transfer of Jewish Civil Records; Usage of synagogues and prayer houses; Request to report Jewish physicians.
Handling instructions for assets left by Jews
Request for proof of origin; Receiving real estate properties by local public services; Deposit of funds deriving from sale of assets; Appointment of custodians; Sale of assets; Distribution of clothing and household items; Food supply of Jewish factory workers
Ban on employment in public service; Store closings; List of store owners; Blocking all Jewish assets; Report of residences and their contents; Illegal usage of expropriated assets; Administration of confiscated radios; Radios distributed to Levente; Dissolution of all Jewish organizations; Usage of vacant residences; Reporting inventory of confiscated precious metal.
Report of household animals; Confiscation of various objects; Deposit of funds deriving from sale of assets; Dissolution of Jewish organizations; Organization of ghetto; List of Jews in Zalalovo; Food transported to ghetto; Reporting various technical objects owned by Jews and distribution; Real estate property distribution to public services; List of Chevra Kadisha members; Confiscation of agricultural real estate properties; Appointment of guardians.
Store closing; Ban on employment; Food supplies for Jewish factory workers; Food rations tickets; Administration of expropriated radios; Ordinance to handle confiscated assets; Safekeeping procedure for expropriated asset and appointment of guardians; Request for workers in vineyard; Levente members ordered for logging;
Special food ration tickets for Jews; Handling industrial racial roads; Sale of abandoned assets and guardian appointment; Proof of Aryan origin requested for spouses of employees; Fund deposits from sale proceeds; Rent payments on distributed real estate properties; Guardians requested for expropriated assets in Nagylengyel; Jewish physicians signs to be removed
Trade licenses revoked; Dissolution of organizations; Dr. Mattersdorfer in police custody; Hunting permits revoked; Proof of origin requested; residences distributed; Appointment of guardians needed; Radio handling; Merchandise sale; Sale of clothing left from deported Jews; German troop in evacuated residences
Usage of real estate properties; Closing of all Jewish stores; Firearm permits revoked; List of Jews in Nova; Travel restrictions; Ban on office supply purchases; Handling of radios; Confiscation of various instruments; Decree for expropriation of assets.
Tarpaulin requested; Real property distribution; Residences distributed; Proof of Aryan origin requested; Sale procedure of merchandise in damaged stores; Warning against escaped Jews; Logging by Levente youths; Appointment of guardians; Reporting private railroads.
Sale of sequestrated merchandise; Deposit of sales proceeds; Cancellation of tax arrears; Special food ration tickets; Report requested for motor vehicles; Sequestration of merchandise and equipment; Air raid commanders; Report requested for assets received from Jews.
Usage of storage facilities; Stocks of lumber blocked; Agricultural custodians appointed; Dissolution of organizations; Ban on office supply purchase; Land distribution; Jews with tax arrears; Correspondence, dispute and sale of expropriated real estate properties; Usage of real estate properties
Reinvestigating firearm permits issued; Alimentation of Jews in factories; Ban on collecting cooking fat; Handling instructions of agricultural workers; Investigating origin of refugees; Road maintenance; Firearms confiscated; Appointment of guardians
Air raid commanders investigated; Store merchandise and equipment sale; Tax arrears cancellation; Sale of assets after evacuation; Accounting report requested for sales; Deposit of sale proceeds; Guardians appointed.
Decree for real property expropriation; Asset sales; Tax arrears cancelled; Illegal usage of expropriated properties; Jews moved to ghetto.
Proof of origin requested; Expense reimbursement; Care for bombardment victims; Instruction to escort Jews to labor camps; Instructions for raids to capture escapees; Complaints against factory in Cegled; Investigation of illegal activities by women's organization
Dissolution of women's organization; Request to remove Jewish merchants; Accusations against physician; Text of minutes recorded on the ministerial general meeting; Nominations and acceptance speeches.
Expropriation of Szabo's landed property; Land distribution; Minute of session deciding new rules of marriage and divorce laws; Decision for racial protection; Trade permits revoked in Csepel; Documentation and requests to be exempt from persecution.
Internments, refusals of requests for exemptions
Disconnecting of Jewish telephones; Expropriation of land, Requests for exemption
Dissolution of Jewish organizations; Order to confine Jewish families to one room in their homes
Internments, refusals of requests for exemptions
Internments, refusals of requests for exemptions
Internments, refusals of requests for exemptions
Order to move Ujpest Jews to ghetto
Ordinance to release materials from closed Jewish stores; Report of number of families to transport to ghetto; Various exemption requests; Investigation of suspicion of fraud in Jewish organization in Vc; Reporting overly crowded prisons.
Distribution of evacuated Jewish residences; Agricultural land requested; Disputed residence distribution; Internment of Pal Kiraly; Alimentation of Jewish workers.
Payment from blocked Jewish assets; Hearing for usage of expropriated Jewish assets; Dangerously unhealthy conditions in ghettos and denial of remedies; Exemption request denied; Pharmacies in Jewish ownership (Nagykoros); Jewish physicians in labor camp delegated.
Confiscated real properties distributed; Ordinance for usage of materials from Synagogues; Financial report from Kecskemet; List of Jewish owners of their residences distributed.
Distribution of V. Weisz's property; Accusations for hiding Jewish assets; Donations solicited; Disputed usage of confiscated real properties; Funds from sales deposited; Jewish pharmacist replaced; Transportation of Jewish workers from labor camp.
Order to oversee Jewish laborers activities; Requesting transport of Jewish corps to cemetery; Alimentation in labor camps; Delegation of Jews to various jobs.
Sequestration of Jewish owned stores; Mandatory reporting of Jewish assets; Deposit of funds deriving for sale of Jewish assets; Reporting Jews working in field and forestry; Radios surrendered; Asset inventory of J. Gaspar in Bogyoszlo.
Inventory of assets left by Jews; Handling instructions; Designating isolated areas for Jews; Sugar ration distribution; Control of movements by Jews in work groups; Safe keeping of confiscated Jewish assets; Hunting permits revoked.
Sale and distributions of perishables, produce, heating materials, radios; Field and forestry management terminated.
Reporting number of Jews in the area and list of store and radio owners; Requests and distributions of radios, typewriters; heating materials, evacuated residences.
Stores, merchandise and equipment sequestration; Manager appointments; Food rations; Real property distributions; Revoked hunting permits; Inventory and sale of merchandise, perishables and household animals.
Air raid commanders; List of Jews in the area; Sequestration of lumber and manager appointment; Control of displaying the yellow star; Designating ghetto areas; Inventory of confiscated medical equipment and drugs; Confiscated food distributed.
Release of some persons from ghetto; Storage space distribution; Guardian appointed; Placement of German military personnel; Inventory of assets left from S. Berger; Some Jews under special surveillance; confiscated radios with list of owners.
Placement of German military troops; Activity restrictions; some Jews released from ghetto listed.
Receipts and handling of confiscated radios; Lumber sequestration; Display of yellow star; Food rations; Ban on agricultural activities and usage of land; Food supply for Jews in internment camps.
Aryan managers appointed; Assets of M.Staier and L. Werner; Books by Jewish authors; Dogs in Jewish ownership; Alimentation records in ghetto.
Data requested re. closed stores door decision making; Control of Jewish workers outside ghetto; List of evacuated commercial and residential locations; Thrashing machines usage; Merchandise and equipment sale
Storage facilities requested; Field and forest re. management; Release of Mrs. Riba from ghetto; Inventory of assets left from Jews; Illegal usage of some real properties; Broken seal and missing items.
Listing of all Jews in area; Reporting Jewish assets and confiscation; List of Jewish owners of commercial facilities; Display of yellow star; Radios confiscated.
Air Raid Command; Ban on land leasing; Special food rations; Ghetto area designated; Confiscation of stores; List of stores; Food rations in internment camps; Dogs transferred to gendarmes; Usage of confiscated firewood.
Flour rations; Illegal action outside ghetto; Re-opening closed stores; Usage of confiscated real properties; Expropriation of abandoned locations; Storage; Hunting permits; Jewish authors' books eliminated; confiscation of household animals; Sales reported; Instructions to handle assets confiscated by the military commands.
Sale of confiscated animals and perishable items; Reporting cash and valuables confiscated; Store inventories; Heating material distribution; Sale of all confiscated assets with handling instructions; Ban on managing field and forestry.
All profitable trade permits removed; Usage of properties; Warrants; List from Sioagard; Asset sequestration; Search for illegal residence s; Illegal merchandise transfer; Radios surrendered; Ban on Air Raid command.
Ghetto area designated; Manager appointments; Jews illegally outside ghetto; Usage of confiscated properties; Sequestration of vineyard and all abandoned properties; Hunting permits; Deposit of funds from sales; Dairy supply for Jews.
Produce sale; Yellow marks on records of Jews; Thrashers; Perishables sold; Abandoned residences and heating materials; Report of cooking vessels; Sale of closed stores; Heating materials distribution; Handling radios; Sealing and safe keeping confiscated assets; Ban to manage properties; List from Sioagard.
Ban on Air Raid command; Instruction to move Jews to ghetto; Storage of abandoned assets; Areas of ghetto designated; List of items allowed to take to ghetto; Illegal activity of workers; Hunting permits; Sale and distribution of confiscated assets.
List of evacuated residences; Trade permits revoked; Retired veterinarian; Produce sale; Usage of evacuated residences; Procedure for usage of assets by the military; Distribution of clothing items to bomb victims; Household inventory; List of evacuated residences.
Usage of household items left by Jews; Thrashers; Sequestration of store contents; Store managers appointed; Store closings; Ordinance to inventory and safe keeping confiscated assets; Data request for store re-opening.
Ordinance for sale of confiscated assets; Sales of animals; Deposit of sales' proceeds; Report requested to send to Financial Authorities; Inventory instructions; Usage of Jewish residences by Levente organization; Personnel for taking inventories; Usage of Steiner's storage facilities; Animals auctioned; Guardians appointed to assets of manors;
Jews releases from ghetto; List of motorcycles; Stores and contents sequestrated; List of closed stores and confiscated bicycles; Kreismann's heritage; Confiscating radios with list of owners; Ghetto area designation.
Food supply for internment camps; List of Jews receiving sugar rations; Handling of confiscated assets; Criminal charges; Distribution of residences; Hunting permits; Animals in Jewish possession; Revoked trade licenses.
Usage of Foldes' property; Produce sale; Tax arrears; Sale of animals; Report requested for confiscated valuables; Transfer request; Thrashers; Heating materials reported; Sale of confiscated merchandise; Auction; Ban on field and forest management.
List of stores' contents to be auctioned; Radio distribution; Moving Jews to ghetto; Confiscated furniture usage; Usage of confiscated real properties; Guardians appointed; Remuneration of physicians.
Support for labor camp workers' families; Land distributions; Flour rations for Passover; Jews in Felsonana; Search for Jews acting illegally; Illegal possession of gold; Lumber sequestration; Report of assets owned by Jews.
List of Jews; Radios, bicycles, typewriters confiscated; Ban on agricultural ownership; Sugar rations; Managers in lumberyards; Ghetto area designation; Sale of stores' contents; Transfer of responsibility for expropriated Jewish assets; Jews working outside ghetto; List of confiscated seeds.
Real property distribution; Bicycle distribution; Usage of storage facilities; Tax arrears cancelled; Household animals reported; Deposit of funds from sale of assets; Trade permits revoked; Sale of produce.
Asset distribution to military troops; Sale of animals; Report of confiscated valuables; Thrashers; Assets of F. Zakacs; List of store owners; Sale of perishables; Priority of some in receiving distributions; Residence in Felsonana.
Personnel for taking inventories; Decree to confiscate radios; Safe keeping of confiscated assets; Announcement for auction; List of store owners; Cash deposits; Ordinance to distribute clothing items for military usage.
Sequestration of lumber and contents of stores; Radios confiscated; Designating areas for ghetto; Managers appointed; Special food rations; Decree for handling confiscated assets.
Distribution of real properties; Hunting permits; Trade licenses revoked; Confiscation of Jewish Civil Registers; Sale of animals; Criminal charges; Sale of store contents.
Handling of storage and sale of assets; Usage of real properties; Store sequestration ordinance; Workers delegated to outside ghetto; Trade permits revoked; Sequestration of lumber
Stores' contents sequestrated; Radio confiscation; Areas of Ghetto; Lumberyard manager appointed'; Veterinarian Berennyi delegated; Air raid commanders appointed; Ghetto organization; Food ratio in internment camps.
Store sequestration; Food rations for Jews; Asset handling instructions; Rental of evacuated residence; Hunting permits; Trade permits revoked; Civil Registers transferred; Handling instructions of confiscated assets; Sale of tangible assets.
Assets released to Arrow Cross party; Guardians appointed; Confiscated assets listed; Tax arrears; Confiscated household animals; Sale of perishables; Sale of store contents; Guardian appointments; List of 67 owners of confiscated stores.
Guardian appointments; List of Jews in Bolcske; Lumber sequestration; Dissolution of organizations; Foreign citizen Jews; Yellow star; Proof of origins requested; Decree for radio confiscation; Various permits revoked.
Dairy products distribution; Jewish Civil Register transferred; Deposit of funds from sales; Requests for residences and typewriters; List of Jews in area; Illegal merchandise transfer; Radio confiscation; List of store owners; Sugar rations.
Lumberyard and industrial facilities manager appointments; Food supply in internment camps; Food rations; Reporting dogs left from Jews; List of agricultural workers; Properties used by public services.
Food ration records; Handling instructions for confiscated valuables; Assets of L. Friedentahl; Reporting instructions; Household inventories
Sales of clothing; List of Jews in Koppanyszanto; Lumberyard sequestration; Control of yellow star display; Store contents sequestrated; Radio confiscation; List of store owners; Custodian appointment.
Inventory of assets owned by the family Breuer; Custodian appointment; Receipts for distributed Jewish assets; Asset inventories; Storage of expropriated assets; Management of field and forest; Usage of confiscated real properties.
Auction of confiscated assets; List of items left in residences; Distribution of clothing; Real property expropriation; List of Jews in Kisvejke; Lumber sequestration; Report requests; Store contents sequestrated; Radio and firearms owners listed; Air raid commandment; Food rations.
Ghetto organization; Manager appointment; Food supply in internment camps; Inventory of items left in residences; Food rations; Asset handling instructions; Records of abandoned dogs; Illegal activities outside ghetto; Real property usage and sale; Hunting permits.
Household animals reported and sold; Civil Registry confiscated; Trade permits revoked; Sale of produce; Tax arrears; Yellow mark on records; Report for confiscated valuables; Thrashers; Sale of perishables; Abandoned real properties.
Former employees taking inventories; Sale of store contents and industrial facilities; Storage and safe keeping; Field and forestry management; Public announcement for sale with owners' list; Residence usage and distributions; Receipts for radios.
Yellow star display; Radios, typewriters, bicycles confiscated; Closed store list; Air raid defense command; Landed property management; Food rations; Ghetto area designated; Evacuated residences listed and usage; Safekeeping of assets.
List of expropriated properties and usage; Stores and residences listed; Bicycle distribution; Storage; Revoked hunting and trade licenses; Cow ownership transfer; Household animals reported.
Maintenance and sale of animals; Distributions of valuables and heating materials; Sale of perishables; Store inventory
Sale of store contents; Property keys received; Clothing distribution; Marketing of confiscated assets; Yellow star display; Jewish residence in Gerjen; Sequestration law; Radio distribution; Manager appointments.
Ghetto organization; Field and forestry management; Inventory and asset transfer; Food rations; Illegal activity outside ghetto; Heating material distribution; Store inventories; Sale of store contents.
German troops placement; Instructions for storage and sale; Public auction notice; Forest and field management; Abandoned residences; Household item inventories; Distributions to Gendarmes.
Clothing distribution; Distributions to Arrow Cross party; Ministerial warnings for illegal expropriations; Assets reporting in lieu of sequestration; Ban on office supply purchases Radio confiscation; Security deposits.
Air raid defense instructions; Manager appointments; Ghetto area designation; Food rations; Handling of abandoned assets; Records of abandoned dogs; Illegal activities outside ghetto; Real property usage; Public auction notice for household items.
Tax arrears; Hunting permits; Household animals reported; Revoked trade licenses; Field and forestry ownership; Garden produce sale; Tax collection problems; Sale of household animals; Assets transferred to Treasury Dept.; Radio distribution.
Thrashers; Sale of perishables; Sale of store contents; Public auction notice for 78 stores; Distribution to Arrow Cross Party; Asset handling left from deceased family Weisz in Dombovar
Property purchase problems; Store closings; Merchandise inventory; List of closed stores and handling instructions; Illegal merchandise transfer; Specific instructions for problem solving; List of exempt stores; Storage instructions.
Automobile parts and repair; List of industrial facilities; Warning for control of safe keeping closed stores; Functioning of confiscated furniture factory; Usage of real properties; List of abandoned residences.
Exemption from persecution; Manager appointment; Carpentry shop sequestrated; Home used by levente organization; Appointment of custodian; Exemption from ghetto in Pincehely; Inventory performed by former employees; Sales of store contents; Usage of real properties by public services.
Handling and sale of assets; Public auction notice; Field and forestry management.
List of exempted Jews; residences requested; Dismissal of Jews from public services; Proof of origin requested; Industrial tracks and rail roads; Motorcycle purchase; Rental payment arrears; German troops placement.
Receipt for furniture distributed; Report of troop placements; Radio confiscation; Rental payment in ghetto requested; Deposit and reporting of funds from sale of assets; Transfer of wine cellar contents; Accounting for wine and sale of perishables' Guardian appointment.
Confiscation of mechanical items; Dissolution of organizations; Store sequestrations; Circular to release some of the confiscated merchandise; Instructions to secure continuous production; Decree for handling confiscated assets; OTI requesting list of employees.
Food rations; Travel restrictions; Horse and carriage distribution; Automobile parts and repair; Manager appointments; Real property distributions; Requests for residences; Public notice to return assets illegally obtained; Distribution of iron and tools.
Guardian appointments; Tax arrears; Cooking fat collection permits revoked; Workers remuneration; Dissolution of organizations; Industrial tracks and rail roads; Usage of storage facilities; All permits revoked.
Appointment of guardians; Office supplies; Storage usage; Tax arrears cancellation; Field and forest management; Food supply in military plants; Food rations; Proof of origin; residences requested; Jewish School's register transferred.
Stealing assets in Perlak; Public auction announcement for 71 stores' contents.;
Requests for residences and distribution; Request for release of lumber; residences for physicians; Cow sale disputed; Industrial license request; Theft of merchandise reported.
Residency requests by organizations; Withdrawal of spirit sale; Warnings against illegal removal of confiscated assets; Inventory of assets owned by Jews with American citizenship; Reports of confiscated assets in Aryan possession; Lumberyard requested; Requests for abandoned household goods; Broken seal and theft reported.
Complaints of theft; Telephone connection requested; Request for mill and manager appointment; Complaints for unjust distribution; Physicians name plates removed; Residency requests.
Storage facility distribution; Warrant to capture fugitive Rental dispute; Industrial tracks and rail roads; Residency distributions; Commercial building requested; Request to return confiscated radio.
Distribution of residences and dispute; Distribution list of real properties; Guardian appointed by the Court; Death certification; Jewish Civil Register transfer; Decree for sale of abandoned assets; Store location released. to Arrow Cross Party.
Distribution of residences with rental rates; Disputed store closing; House usage for post office; Clothing distribution; Census of Romanian refugees; Rule of distribution for medical supplies; Accounting for sale of perishables.
Trade permit suspended; Search for hidden merchandise; Ban on employment; Requests for housing; Tools distribution; Store closing on holidays; Trade permit requests.
Ban on employment by Jews; Ban on radio permits; Store requests; Jewish employment prohibited; Request for firearm; Construction material reported; Bicycle request; Ban on office supply purchases from Jews.
Search for hidden merchandise; Yellow star display; Store requests; Reporting confiscated objects; Reporting all assets owned by Jews;
Warning issued for hiding Jewish assets; Cement factory; Certificate issued for invalid; Request for and distribution of residences and stores; Exemption request; Investigations for asset hiding.
Report of investigation of hidden merchandise; Proof of origin for physicians; Requests for stores and residences; Removal of Jewish physicians; Suspension of moving physicians to ghetto.
Priority in distribution of residences and stores; Soda factory confiscated; Requests for clothing; Offense by not wearing the Jewish star; Confiscated safe sealed in mill; Residences for Polish refugees; Residency distributed to Levente organization.
Requests and distribution of stores and residences; Furniture distribution; Usage of thrasher; Revoked trade license; Investigation for asset hiding; Request for horse and carriage.
Removing books by Jewish authors; Investigation and internment by Gendarmes; Suspension of trade permit; Requests for stores and residences; Investigating for hiding assets; Request for horse and buggy.
Request for residences; List of books by Jewish authors to be removed; Request for vegetable garden; Residence distributed to Levente Organization; Request for furniture and other confiscated assets.
Temporary permit issued to exit ghetto; Request for Jewish worker for lumberyard; Thrasher; Store manager; Permit requested to exit ghetto; Transfer request from one ghetto to another.
Distribution of confiscated assets requested; Allocation of stores requested; Thrasher; Request to release blacksmith and other workers for work outside ghetto; Request for steam engine; Release and distribution of train tracks and cylinders; Firewood transfer; Jewish work groups from ghetto.
Request for stores and residences; Confiscated lumber released; Workers from ghetto for agricultural work; Petition for ghetto transfer; List of industrial facilities owned by Jews; Firearm permits; Distribution of grocery stores and appointment of manager.
Stores closing; Complaints for unjust distributions; Request to exit ghetto; Usage of grain storage; Estate's air defense; Request to operate mill; Correspondence of air raid defense groups; Request for mill in Pakod; Travel restrictions; Residence distributions.
List of persons placed into the Synagogue in Veszprem; List of Jews in ghetto from various locations; List of males in labor camp; List of Jews in Komakut; List of males in labor camp in Komakut.
Lumber sequestrated; Dissolution of organization; Decree for all assets to be sequestrated; Gendarme investigation of infiltration of foreigners; Illegal merchandise transfer; Radio confiscation; Sugar rations.
Store closings; Industrial manager appointments; Release of part from closed stores; Jewish commanders removed; Lumberyard managers; Transport to Ghetto; Agricultural land lease; Usage of real properties; Workers outside ghetto; Sale of perishables.
Storage of assets; Radios; Store manager appointments; Hunting permits; Report of household animals; Veterans benefits; Deposit of funds from sales; Expense reimbursements; Aid to needy; Housing for post office.
Jewish civil registry Household animals; Evacuated properties in Gyula; Criminal accusations; Deposit of funds from sales; Levente housing; Employment ban in forestry; Asset sales; List of Jews in Kurd and Csaba, Dissolution of organizations.
Food rations; Ghetto locations; Asset inventories; List of evacuated Jews; Housing for Levente; Residence to Gendarmes distributed; Jewish Civil Registry transferred; Thrashers.
Tax collections; residences requested; Custodians appointed; Clothing distribution; Storage of assets; Household inventories..
Priority for distribution recipients; Warrants; Restriction notices; Lumber sequestration; Sequestration of merchandise and equipment; Employment ban; Sequestration of tangible assets; Closed store listing; Travel ban.
Land expropriation; Land owned by Grossz; Internments; Radio confiscation; Ghetto location designated; residences to Levente; Scheffer's debts; Hunting permits; Funds deposit.
Household animals transfer; Agricultural property listing; Industrial railroads; Taxes; Sale of merchandise; Radio distribution; Asset handling instructions; Jewish management banned; Guardian of assets appointed.
Post-war guardian appointments; Guardian of assets of family Fecher and Kraj, Weber. Accounting and disputes.
Post-war guardianships for Klein, Fecher. Inventory of Fecher's assets; Sales of clothing; Travel restrictions.
Stores requested; Arrests and internments; Construction materials released; Assets requested by fire department; Residence usage by public services; Organizations dissolved.
Employment ban; Employee listing; Purchasing ban on Jews; Store locations requests; Residences requested; Aryan manager appointments; Ordinance for inventories; Automobile parts release.
List of industry in Diosgyor; Usage of real properties; Requests for residences; Deposit of funds from sales; Hunting permits; Baby carriage request; Report by managers of listed stores, Furniture requests by veterans; residences occupied by Levente.
List of store owners in Diosgyor; residences requested; Sale of household items; Sale requested by Arrow Cross members; Distribution to bombardment victims.
Ban on Jewish management; Sequestration of all Jewish owned business properties; Travel restrictions; Deposit of sale proceeds; Ban on purchase from Jewish stores; Lumber sequestration; Leather stocks reported; Hunting permits.
Travel restrictions; Sequestration of stores and contents; List of store sequestrated in Finke; Sale of clothing; Sale of store contents; List of stores in various communities; Real properties in Finke; Report of abandoned stores.
Household item sales; Furniture distribution; Radio distribution; Flour supply; Distribution of men's underwear to the military; Housing request; Ban on purchasing from Jewish stores.
Release request from internment camp; Lumberyard inventory; Manager appointment; Dissolution of organization; inventory and transport of abandoned assets; Store location request.
Merchandise release; Housing distribution; Report of forest properties; Reporting agricultural properties; Report of confiscated radios; Decree for store sequestration; Inventory of tangible assets.
Internment of foreign citizen Jews; Tax arrears; Asset handling instructions; Bicycles, typewriters distribution; Alimentation in ghetto; Guardian appointments in agricultural properties; List of confiscated real properties; Dismissal of employees; Sale of fat and bacon; Food items inventory.
Cooking fat distribution; Distribution of items left in households; Storage and distribution of cooking fat, bacon and flour; Usage of materials from demolished Synagogues, Hunting contracts; Wine managers appointed; List of wine stock owners.
Instruction to deposit funds; Trade license request; Expropriated horses reported; Sequestration of assets from Organizations; Asset sales; List of dead heroes, veterans and disabled soldiers; List of families with more children; List of persons in poverty and disability; Jewish Civil Register transferred.
Sequestration notices; List of store owners; Manager appointment; Furniture factory closing; Inventory of cement; Store owners in Hajoscsaba; Trade permits; Sale of perishables; Release of auto parts; Cement inventory.
Merchandise sale from closed stores; Jewish assets reporting; Workers requested for nursery; Transportation of Jews to ghetto; Stores requested; Residence distribution priorities; Decree for real property distribution; List of evacuated residences.
Jewish laborers on rail road work; List of 810 Jews in Mezokovesd; Food allotment rules; Sugar rations; Request by Levente for residences; Job distributions; Invalids' annuities; Police supervision; Yellow star display; Requests by air raid commanders; Request for returning unpaid book.
Store sequestrations; Release of funds for debt payment; List of store owners; Manager appointments; Industrial plants closing; Jewish assets reporting; List of tradesmen; Residences requested; Radio handling; Items released from closed stores; Trade licenses; Ghetto expenses reimbursed.
Jewish Committee in ghetto and organization; Moving expenses reimbursed; Bakery moved out of ghetto; Receipts for payments; Expense reports; Tax arrears reported; Moving expenses in and out of ghetto; Physicians practicing from labor camps.
Levente housing; Ghetto organization; Removal of books from libraries; Household assets distribution; Transfer of abandoned animals; Report of Jews transported to ghetto; More restrictions in ghetto organization; Auto parts released.
Police supervision; Transfer of bicycles; Trade license requests; Reporting industrial facilities owned by Jews; Reporting hidden Jewish assets; Payment for electricity usage; Inventory of residency contents.
Usage of real properties; Sign removals; Storage of objects left in ghetto; Housing requests; Misdemeanors; Trade licenses; Requests for residences; Return to ghetto; Sale of perishables; Search for hidden Jews; Hygiene in ghetto; Fire wood distribution.
Internment for asset hiding; Hunting permits; Stores requested; Insurance fees requested for expropriated properties; Storage of items left in ghetto; Housing and radio distribution requested; Sale of confiscated objects; Household inventories.
Jewish Civil Register; Housing requests; Abandoned homes; Storage of expropriated assets; Stores requested; Request for Jewish ritual bath; Raw hide and leather stocks; Tax arrears; Merchandise released to Aryans
Easter bread supply; Store sequestrations; Reporting number of Jews by rural communities; Asset reports; Usage of rifles by Gendarmes; Tax collection; Ordinance for asset handling; Radio surrender.
Reporting of and handling instructions for Jewish assets.
Expropriation of commercial establishments, land and live stock; Food supplies for Jewish laborers in military plants.
Expropriation of commercial establishments and land ; Inventories of Jewish assets.
Expropriation of commercial establishments and land ; Inventories of Jewish assets; Books forbidden from libraries.
Sequestration of Jewish stores; Orders about handling of sequestrated assets.
Sequestration of Jewish assets; Orders about handling of sequestrated assets.
Sequestration of Jewish assets; Orders about handling of sequestrated assets.
Sequestration of Jewish assets; Orders about handling of sequestrated assets.
Sequestration of Jewish assets; Orders about handling of sequestrated assets.
Sequestration of Jewish assets; Orders about handling of sequestrated assets and organizing ghettos.
Storage place requested; Abandoned dogs; Ghetto transfer request; Barbed wire sequestrated; Nails and coffins requested for ghetto; Storage facility distributed.
Ghetto transfer requested; Custodian appointed for lawyers offices; Barbed wire distribution; Monetary reimbursement requested for damages; Store and trade licenses requested; Expense reimbursements requested; Rent payments; Usage of residences.
Reporting Jewish residences; Ghetto organization; Usage of residences; Ghetto fence; Rent payment for housing; Usage of storage; Transfer of Jews to ghetto; Exempting some physicians from ghetto; Transport of Jews from Lent county; Dividing wall constructed.
Storage of confiscated assets; Report of ghetto organization; Ordinance for safekeeping assets expropriated; Number of Jews in ghetto; Funds from sales deposited; Exempted Jews.
List of residences with contents left by Jews; Storage locations listed; Usage of storage; Expense reimbursements; Vaccinations against contagious diseases; Storage of medical materials; residences distributed; Cost of ghetto fence.
Sequestration of medical instruments; Receipts for medical materials, tools; Transfer of inventoried dental materials; Veterinary equipment transfer; Medical materials in ghetto; Medical materials distributed to military; Listing contents of medical offices.
Receipts for transferred medical materials; Sequestration and listing of contents of medical and dental offices; Transportation expenses to ghetto; Medical offices distributed;
Reserving abandoned medical offices; Payment for ghetto expenses; Request for listing of Jews.
Ghetto expenses reimbursed from expropriated funds; Aryans moving expenses; Repairs and installations; Remuneration of midwives; Accusation for illegal property handling.
Custodians appointed; Ghetto organization expenses; List of expropriated properties; Fire wood distribution; Hourly wages for asset handling; Employees to take inventory of confiscated assets; Safe keeping and handling assets; Inventory and transfer of assets;
Wine sale; Official bulletin for restrictions of Jews; Asset handling instructions for custodians; Inventory of attorneys' offices; List of Jewish attorneys; Furniture distribution.
Accounting for funds from sale; Sale of perishables; Storage and sale of wine in barrels; Wine grading; Sale of wine and report of funds; Notice to wine merchants; Approval of wine sale; Custodian appointed for asset handling
Inventories of assets in evacuated residences; Injunction documents of expropriation;
Sale and distribution of household items; Confiscated bicycles; Wine and perishable food sale; Custody of assets of deceased Jew; Permit for wine sale; Items left in evacuated homes; Oil paintings and other art pieces inventoried;
List of Jews; Inventories of household items from evacuated residences; Agricultural equipment inventory; Safe transfer; Horse and carriage distribution; Piano distributed;
Accusations of favoring Jews; Illegal acceptance of goods from Jews; Interrogations of witnesses.
Ordinances and reports; Road building tools purchase; Documents left in ghetto listing names of deportees; Transport of 2400 Jews from ghetto to concentration camps; Managerial job request in Szeged
Post-war request to return confiscated valuables; Air-raid shelters; Appointment of custodians; Requests for residences
Decrees for restrictions; Arrests; Proof of citizenship; Aryans indemnification; Jewish physicians in Mako.
Veterinary employment terminated; Blocking Jewish assets; Real property redistribution; Taking medical supply into custody; Confiscating Jewish Registry of civil status.
Industrial railways; List of Jewish merchants and industrialists; Distribution of confiscated industrial equipment; Radio and electric supply distribution; Confiscated electric supply distributed; Upholstery material distributed. Confiscated medical supply distribution to the military;
Store locations distributed; Custodian appointments; Merchandise transfer to Aryans; Dismissal of Jewish employees; Transfer by police of Jews to forced labor camps.
Agricultural employment contracts; Telephone permits; Instruction to handle assets left behind by deported Jews Payment demands; Arrears; Saving banks reporting holding of some deported Jews.
List of stockholders by various companies; Confiscated furniture distribution request; Bequest; Post-war notice to former deportees; Passover service; Instruction for distributing tobacco and flint; Confiscated assets transportation reported; Employees list of Treasury Dept.
Distribution of confiscated assets reported; Sale of expropriated merchandise; Request for release of several Jewish wives from police arrest; Firewood distribution; Reporting Jews hiding in attics.
Contamination of typhoid fever reported; Usage of confiscated bicycles.
Confiscated radios reported; Registers of deed; Official declaration of death of some Jews in concentration camps; List of assets from those declared dead; Correspondence re. Jews perished in concentration camps.
Police reports; Ordinance to restrict of movement by Jews outside their residences; Housing of Gendarmes; Remuneration of inventory takers; Clothing distribution;
Poultry merchant appointed; Jewish Register of birth-marriage-death surrendered; 158 Jewish employees listed; Sale of assets left from Jews.
Notice for safekeeping of assets; Air-raid shelters; Ban on property leasing; Teachers used to inventory expropriated assets; List of retirees; Usage of retirees to inventory assets; Tobacco shop closing; Work permit termination.
Benefits of disabled Jews; Stock of lumber; 8o Jews listed from Vasvar; Pharmacy personnel; Store inspection booklet; Telephone line closing; Proof of citizenship requested.
Widow's pension denied; Documentation requested for pension; Request for confiscated motorcycles; Request to report number Jews; 1900 Jews reported in the area; Bicycles requested by Military Command.
Applications for house lot and agricultural land distribution; Warrant to capture Solomon Sorgon; Safe keeping of confiscated assets; Radio distribution; Illegal usage of expropriated assets; Monies requested for research for solving the 'Jewish problem'.
Sale of perishables; Requests for expropriated real properties; Expelling Jewish foreign citizens; Lumber yard inventories; Furniture distribution; Mandatory store closings; Industrial work permit refused; Dissolution of Jewish organizations.
Industrial work permit revoked; Graduation certificate; Bicycle distribution; Warrant to capture illegally absent Jews; Industrial permits revoked; Brick factory manager appointed; Pricing of expropriated merchandise to be sold; Dissolution of some unions; Inventory of residence's convent.
Request for list of Jewish residents; Deposit of funds derived from sales; Regulations for tax payments; Tax payment regulations; Listing of Jewish owned commercial enterprises; Cost of blank forms; Dissolution of Zionist organization; Summon; Certificates issued to rabbi to receive clerical benefits.
Documentation for citizenship; Competition for land purchase; Dissolution of Jewish organizations; Correction in Register of Deeds; Instruction for usage of air-raid shelters; building requested by local post office.
Financial information requested.
Correspondence re. conversion of Jews to Christianity; Request by the clergy to obtain preferential treatment by converted Jews; Request to ease persecution laws to converted Jews; Plea to exempt members of the clergy from persecution laws;
Correspondence re. handling converted Jews; Acceptance of Jews to school of clergy; Refusal of acceptance; Petitions and suggestions to handle converted Jews in ghetto; Correspondence about various questions arising with converted Jews and spouses with different religion; Usage of expropriated housing; Accusations against pastor from Ujpest; Minutes of meetings.
High school students used in National Defense; Books by Jewish authors removed; Report to handle converted Jews; List of converted Jews; Organization of Union of converted Jews; List of Jews in Ujpest living with Aryan spouses; Usage of expropriated properties by clergy.
Decisions how to handle converted Jews; Various correspondence; Petition to exempt converted Jews from displaying star; Accusations and response by priest Mezei; Petition to allow the clergy to enter houses marked with yellow star.
Petition to stop evacuations; Request to exempt listed persons from persecution; Exemption request for Tibor Mann and family; Request to the Swedish Government for protection.
Moving converted Jews; Protest by Dr. Justin Seredi against persecution; Protest against handling converted Jews; Request to handle converted Jews differently;
Proposals to handle converted Jews; Written protest for saving converted Jews; Vast correspondence; Plan of organization; Organization of Union of Hungarian Christian Jews.
Refusal of exemptions; Denied exemption for converted students; Designating separate locations for teaching; Correspondence expressing frustration; Request to declare Budapest 'open city'; Ordinance by Szalasi to resolve the 'Jewish Problem'; Suggestions to form committees; Repeated request to exempt converted Jews.
Certificates of intention to convert; Forms with personal data for conversion; List of directors of the Union; Schedule of religious events.
Diary and poems.
Exemption refusals; New guidelines; Clerical correspondence
Students in labor camp; List of destroyed books; Handling instructions of converted Jews.
Public notice to converted Jews; Rules for converted Jews; List of some Jews being converted; Request for evacuated properties;
Extract from list of decisions of the Lutheran Church; Restrictions in excepting students in schools; Requests for ID-s. Plea to the Prime Minister
Lutheran Bishop's request to exempt 55 Jews from persecution; Request by clergy for Swedish protection; Housing of converted Jews; Protest for inhumane handling of Jewish population; Repeated requests to exempt converted Jews;
Protest against placing Jews into ghetto; Protest against placing converted Jews into ghetto; Acceptance to declare Judaism as a race;; Request to put Jews into work instead of deportation.
Plea by organization of converted Jews to exempt from deportation.
Petitions to exempt converted Jews from persecution; Government refusals.
Store Inventories; Radios confiscated;; Jewish assets left in residences; Rents received; Court Decisions.
Post-war evaluations; Court declaring dead those perished in concentration camps;
Report request re Jews; Restrictions in ghetto; Payment for taking inventory; Distribution of clothing; Storage of Jewish documents.
Transport of Jewish assets confiscated; Air-raid shelters; Contracts with Jews discontinued; Teachers assigned for taking inventories; List of retirees; Tobacco shop closing;
License cancelled; Store sale; Request for release of lumber;
Register for health control; Permanent residency certificates; Motorcycles expropriated; Confiscation of bicycles.
Search warrant issued; Asset handling instructions; Alien expelled; Lumber yard inventory; Request for furniture distribution; House used by Levente organization.
Bicycle distribution; Nomination of director in brick factory; Dissolution of workers unions; Household inventory; List of Jews requested; Land distribution
Store closings; Pamphlets confiscated; Dissolution of Zionist organizations; Fire arm owners list; Summons; Rabbi exempted from persecution; Air-raid shelter constructions; Erasing from Register Jewish ownership; Rental of Jewish properties.
Accusations and investigations.
Exemption from labor camp requested; Camp for rabbis; Dismissal of Jewish workers; Tool distributions.
Household inventories; Cancellation and appointment of directors; Air-raid shelters; Appointment of guardians; Requests for residencies.
Requests and distribution of residencies; Appointment of guardians; Restrictions for Jews; Arrests; Citizenship problems; Expense reimbursements; Inventories.
Physicians in Mako; Distribution of confiscated assets; Agricultural assets; Citizenship; List of agricultural properties.
Medical equipment inventory; Receipts for inventoried assets; Court decisions; Jewish merchants listed; Radio store requested.
Medical instrument transferred; Reopening industrial facilities; Store location distributed; Public custodians appointed; Merchandise transfer; Dismissal of Jewish employees.
Membership I'D' Witness statements for heroism; Work contract; Phone connection requested; Household inventory; Debt payment requested.
List of securities.
Debt payment requests; List of Jewish shareholders;
Court documents; Personal data requested from former deportees; Assets confiscated and then distributed; Sale of merchandise.
House arrest requested; Director appointment;
Sequestration of Jewish assets and distribution; Inventory of precious metals confiscated; Confiscated bicycles.
Various correspondence and expropriation of Jewish assets with inventories; distribution of confiscated assets;.
Sales of perishable expropriated merchandise left from Jewish owned stores; Notice to surrender Jewish assets taken by population; Inventory of household items and precious metal expropriated.;
Household and art objects inventories in abandoned Jewish residences in the ghetto;
Inventory of store equipment and furnishings in closed Jewish stores; Appointments of custodians for handling expropriated Jewish assets.
Aryans requests and distributions of merchandise expropriated from Jewish stores; List of hardware and other items expropriated from Jews and distributed to the military.
Inventory of expropriated assets from Jewish residencies and distribution;
Insurance Agency's list of Jews residing in Zalegerszeg; Appointments of custodians; Requests and distributions of expropriated household items.
Household items inventoried; Materials distributed from expropriated Jewish owned limber yard; Appointment of custodians.
Deposit of funds deriving from sales of expropriated Jewish assets; Inventory and distribution of equipment and wine;
Inventory of merchandise owned by the Bohm Brothers; Inventory and distribution of store furnishings.
Inventory of expropriated household items; List with personal data of over 1000 Jews residing in Zalaegerszeg before deportations.